La Catedral 1st movement by Augustine BarriosAllemand BWV 996 by Bach Classical guitar, horror movies, Cigars, obe (aka astral projection), ebay, investing, travel... out of the country, etheric or astral as well.
Anyone into classical guitar. Anyone into death metal. Members of the 911 Truth Movement also welcome. If you're into rap and hip hop we won't get along. I'm an atheist... If you're a christian it's better that you not meet me. I get along with everyone else for the most part. Brushing teeth and scrubing private parts is a must if we're gonna be friends. If you wear plastic colored jewelry, thug clothes, use words like "holla","wit" or pronounce "ask" like "axks" don't add me. If you are whoreing out you're biz don't add me.ATTENTION!!!! PLEASE DON'T ADD ME UNLESS YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN COMMON WITH ME... IF WE DON'T HAVE ANYTHING IN COMMON AND YOU DON'T SEND ME A NOTE I PROBABLY WON'T ADD YOU. I'M NOT HERE TO WHORE OUT YOUR PORN SITE EITHER...!
Classical guitar, death metal, some new age, acid jazz.
Blair Witch, Ring 1 and 2, Usual Suspects, Heat, Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Exorcist, Hawk the Slayer, Resevoir Dogs, Identity, Session 9.
News junkie, Doctor Who, Horror Movies, Twilight Zone, BBC Sci-Fi.
Ahhh... the days of the Penguin Classics. What ever happened to that era?I have read Menken, Nietzsche, Gibbon, Toynbee, Rand, ect... we can't forget the writings of Dr. William L. Pierce can we?Others:Robert J. Ringer - Looking out for Number One,Michael Newton - Journey of Souls,Charles Askins - Unrepentant Sinner,Adam Smith - Wealth of Nations,Henry David Thoreau - Walden Pond,B.F. Skinner - all works,Isaac Asimov - Robot Novels,Napolean Hill - Think and Grow Rich,Edwin Lefevre - Reminices of a Stock Operator,Jeff Cooper - To ride, shoot straight and speak the truth,James A. Michener - The Source,Ray Bradbury - Farenheit 451,Claire Wolfe - all works,George Orwell - 1984 and Animal Farm,Steven Plinker - How the mind works,Rachel Carson - Silent Spring,Arthur C. Clark - The promise of Space,George Rockwell - White Power,Jefferson Mack - Secret Freedom Fighter,Aldous Huxley - Brave New World,Victor Hugo - Les Miserables,Voltaire - Candid,Charles Dickens - all works,Richard Stark - all Parker novels,John Norman - Gor novels,Anne Rice - Lasher, Memnoch the Devil,Ernest Van Den Haag - The Jewish Mystique,Zecharia Sitchin - all works,Richard Leigh - Holy Blood, Holy Grail,Anton Lavey - The Satanic Bible, Satanic Witch,Jack O'Connor - The Hunting Rifle,John Ross - Unintended Consequences,Elmer Keith - All works,Hans Rudel - Stuka Pilot,Aldoph Galland - Biography
George Lincoln Rockwell, Dr. William L. Pierce, Rudolph Hess, Vlad Tepes, John Wesley Hardin, Jesse James, Ma Barker and the gang, Andres Segovia, John Williams Julian Bream, Iron Maiden, Jacques Cousteau. Doctor Who. ..Ron Paul for President 2008!!!