refer to the about me section.
I'd like to meet:
The world and Rad racer Cru Jones
kLOB LOBster and the HOB KOBlers Klob lobSTER AND THE hob kobLERS klOB lOBster aND THe hOB kOBlers kloB loBster anD thE hoB koBlers Klob Lobster and the Hob Koblers
Kanjira Solo with Ganesh Kumar
Ganesh Kumar shralping the Kanjira, a frame drum with a single jingle. Check him out
.. width="425" height="350" .. Brent Atchley, repin burnside.
Rad, slingblade, he got game, back to the future II (just because it goes through 4 time periods), anything from evality productions, and of course porn.
discovery/history channel and cops. everything else i could care less about.
not much of a reader, i like pictures. pretty pretty pictures.
anyone who has their dream job.