This IS the official page of MICSICC. Thanx for droppin by my page! Feel free to leave me a message or comment. Ill be sure to get back atch'ya. About me? Well, i was born in the Philipines and i have lived everywhere from Vallejo, CA, New York City, Virginia Beach, VA and L.A. I have a passion for art, music, life and the nuances that make it worth living. I draw my inspiration from the small things that are often overlooked in everyday living. I never limit myself when it comes to creative possibilities. I try to make music of signifigance. What i do may motivate you, energize you, open your mind, educate you, offend you, ashame you, make you cry, make you laugh, make you happy to be alive, or even make you think about your past present and future in a new light. Which ever it is, as long as your entertained, i'll continue to do what i do and love it!...... :