I'd like 2 meet the man up above one fine day.. I'd like to thank him for being my closest friend.. for going above and beyond what anyone in this world could ever do for me... So maNy thanGz to thank him for.. for strengthenin' me in my weakNess, foR beinG mY eVeRythaNg & NEVA' FaiLiN' me! I'Ve Come 2 Know that *a MaN* wiLL aLwaYz FaiL yOU but I reJoiCe in KNowiNg that My GoD iz MOST FAiTHFUL.. Hiz Word iz back'd bY hiz HoNoR & GLoRy.. HaLLeLuJaH!!!! (LeaRned that one from Brotha Jose! whaddup brO! LOL)ALSO I'm lookin' to meet up wit' OLD FrENz I'Ve Lost CoNtaCt wit' and NEW frenz that's jus' Coo' PeepS LikE mYseLf.. DeLetEd my First PaGe so iF I hAveN't aDDeD you to tha New One.. go 'head & add me.. what u waiten' on!!! LOL =)
Get Your Own Voice Player Manage..A couple flicks from "A Gangster Life"..
Much Love 2 thoze who came thru.. and fa
thoze MIA.. s'all good.. come thru to
tha next one! LOVE YA'z!!!
lol.. I'm a biG TiMe MUZIC LOVER!! I spend most my time checkin' out different muzic sites when I'm on myspace.. What can I say? I like to move it.. move it! LOL!! LyRiC, AunTy LoVez You Hot bOi!!! LOLMy Fystee NeiceY iTaLiA.. Love you SASSy GIRL!!!My daNNybOy when he waz a *innoCeNt* baby... lol=)
Basic Instructions Before Leavin' Earth.. Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times... My fave scripture!
My Lord Jesus Christ iz my SUPER'HERO for savin' me from the path of destruction I waz travelin' upon...'n most of all for savin' me from the pitts of hell I waz headed for.. THANK U JESUS 4 ur saving a wretch like meeh! ONLY GOD!! hahaha!This flick makes me LaFF! LOL I used to love drinkin, smokin' and partying down @ Tondo TOndo'Z.. now here we are passing out tracks! God iz Good!