Poker, psychology, sailing, physics, comedy, professional sports spectatorship, guitar, bass, writing, international politics, foreign languages, and a million other little things that I have neither the patience nor the space to list here.
Someone who came from nothing. An infinitely friendly businessman who rose to the top and then walked away to seek a different brand of riches. Someone inspiring. Someone humble. Someone polite. Someone content with their life. Someone wise, yet light. Someone brilliant, yet humorous.
Yes please. There is not much that wouldn't go here, excepting of course boy bands and the occasional zydeco outfit.
Comedies, always comedies. I've yet to understand the point of watching tragic films; there's enough sadness in the world as it is! There is always room, however, for the occasional drama and James Bond films(I'm a guy after all). Horror movies are an abomination of the film industry(ironic, no?)
No time! I'm never home! Sports are an absolute exception, though. And for the record, poker is not a sport, though it should become organized.
Predominantly non-fiction instructionals or biographies, but The Sun Also Rises, Don Quixote, High Fidelity, Still Life with Woodpecker, Siddartha, The Prophet, The Celestine Prophecy(surprisingly good even if slightly....esoteric), Tao Te Ching(a must read and re-read), Boy's Life, Once and Future King. I'll be reading some Ayn Rand in the future. I've heard good things. Also, the Gospel According to Biff was hilarious!
Big Papi, Curt Schilling.....basically the 2004 Red Sox! Warren Buffet, Howard Lederer, Roy Cooke, Tom Brady and Bill Belichik(suck it, Patriot haters!), Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Shatner, Van Wilder, Captain! Jack Sparrow and above all, my parents.