Myspace Layouts and SO much more from! ♥*Im kelly.Im 20
*I'm easy going, and adore my family and friends.
*I have a boyfriend named Dale and he's great
*I have a dog named Maddi and she's great too
*I love Johnny Depp and all of his moives.
*I go to louisburg college and i will graduate in the spring.
*I also work at a restaurant called "the murphy house". I love the people i work with and i've been working there for 4 and a half years.
*It takes a lot to make me mad but when i do, u either laugh or walk away lol
*I don't like drugs or people that do it. it's stupid to have to be high to have a life....get over it
*i'm simple, loving, unique, and free hearted. love me
Name: Kelly
Birthdate: Jan.26
Birthplace: Raleigh
Current Location: Louisburg
Eye Color: green/blue
Hair Color: naturally blonde, but it's brown
Height: 5'5
Weight: 108
Piercings: 10 lol...ears and belly button
Tatoos: 2
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: nope....not right now
Overused Phraze: thats hot
Food: steak, baked potatoe, salad...j/k lol i dunno..i eat everything except seafood
Candy: skittles....but only the red ones
Number: 1
Color: pink and baby blue
Animal: puppies
Drink: dr.pepper
Alcohol Drink: um... i quit until i'm 21...but i'm a budlight girl
Bagel: um..with cream cheese
Letter: K
Body Part on Opposite sex: eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burgerking
Strawberry or Watermelon: watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea: either one
Chocolate or Vanilla vanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocolate
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: dog
Rap or Punk: both
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: both
Love or Money: both are nice...but i'd have to say money b/c i've had money but never had love :)
Bedtime: whenever i get sleepy
Most Missed Memory: childhood with my cousins and brother
Best phyiscal feature: my hip bones lol
First Thought Waking Up: um...depends on the night i had
Goal for this year: um....
Best Friends: Heather, Callie, Chelsea, and Joni
Fears: spiders, and honestly i hate being alone
Longest relationship: a year and a half
Ever Drank: yea
Ever Smoked: yea
Pot: yea
Ever been Drunk: yea
Ever been beaten up: yea
Ever beaten someone up: yea
Ever Shoplifted: yea
Ever Skinny Dipped: yea
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: yea
Been Dumped Lately: not lately
Favorite Eye Color: in a guy....i dunno...i like brown or blue or green lol
Favorite Hair Color: brown
Short or Long: short...but long's sexy too
Height: least 6 feet
Style: um...depends
Looks or Personality: both
Hot or Cute hot
Drugs and Alcohol: um....
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular...but skinny's nice too
Number of Regrets in the Past: haha....13?? lol i dunno...lots
What country do you want to Visit: all of them lol
How do you want to Die: old and peaceful in my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately:
Do you like Thunderstorms: sure
Get along with your Parents: yea
Health Freak: not really
Do you think your Attractive: i don't think i'm ugly
Believe in Yourself: yea
Want to go to College: i got to college
Do you Smoke: um...when i'm stressed or when i drink
Do you Drink: i quit 'til i'm 21
Shower Daily: yep
Been in Love: nope
Do you Sing: i try lol
Want to get Married: yea
Do you want Children: yea
Have your future kids names planned out: Joey Talan and i dunno about the girl
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: um...kinda personal huh??
Hate anyone: no...hates a strong word
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Kis forKinky
Eis forEnjoyable
Lis forLiberal
Lis forLuscious
Yis forYummy
What Does Your Name Mean?