Battleground Ministries profile picture

Battleground Ministries


About Me

There is a move of God sweeping our nation. From every corner of America, the Holy Spirit is raising up a generation of warriors who are not ashamed of their faith, not ashamed of their Savior, and not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. These warriors refuse to settle for mediocrity in their walk with Jesus. They are radical, real, and refuse to compromise their convictions on the altars of this world system. They are the Third Day Generation! People with a purpose and a passion for Jesus Christ! It is refreshing to minister with others who have a desire to reach the lost; a dedication to remain pure in a filthy world; a discipline to walk in both holiness and faithfulness; and a determination to not bow their knee to the gods of this age.
We welcome you to this profile, but be warned...this profile is dedicated to the truth of the Gospel of Christ! It is bold, it is real, and it is life-changing. There has been an identity crisis that todays cristian faces. The enemy has programmed society to believe that Jesus came to start a religion called Christianity. However, We have been called to spread the truth! Jesus came to birth a Living, breathing Church. A Live organism. Truely in His image. NO MORE will we live in our comfotable "Sunday morning Christian religion" in a church. We WILL move into an everyday position of BEING the Church! We are called to offensively enforce the vicotry of Jesus through supernatural means. We WILL raise the dead, heal the sick, cleanse the lepors, and drive out demons and push forward to experience the Kingdom of God NOW! There is a revival being brought forth by God withan emphasis on Spiritual warfare. Are you prepared to stand on the FONTLINES?
If you have any Questions about this ministry or about life, the Bible, hard times, need prayer, deliverence, healing, a ressurection of the dead, or Spiritual Warfare trainings, Hollar at us!!!

My Interests

The UN-CHURCHED! Those who have been cast out in todays churches and societies! The shutouts of the world, the drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, gang-bangers, tattooed, peirced, and anyone else who does not know Jesus on a personal level.

I'd like to meet:

Others who have a calling to be Soldiers in the Lords Army (Eph 6:12) and not to stand aside as civilians, But those who are called to the FRONTLINE in battle against the enemy (satan). Are you willing to put on the WHOLE armor of God and fight for the Truth, Save Souls, and for the purity of TRUTH that is being lost to satans programming of todays society?




Just take a look outside. You can see all the romance, drama, violence, etc that you want.


The Message Bible, The Recovery Bible.



My Blog

Tattoos. A sin or not a sin?

I HAVE BEEN GOING BACK & FORTH ABOUT GETTING A TATTOO OR NOT. What does the Bible Say? Getting a tattoo has become a very popular thing to do lately, and many Christian teenagers are trying to de...
Posted by Battleground Ministries on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 11:05:00 PST