Hey Hey....My name is Heather and I'm a beautiful beach bunnie from VB! I've lived here my whole freaking life and have no intentions on leaving. I work at a bar waitressing, bartending, and event planning and i effin love it. It's kinda like throwing a party every night you work and Who doesn't like to party? I'm a total workaholic. If im not making or passing out drinks, i'm either plannning an event or helping my mom run her dance studio. Ya lil Mama can shake it. I've slowed my lifestyle down quite a bit due to a drastic change that has happened in my life, but it's okay. I'm ready for the challenge. When God Throws You a Curve Ball You Can Catch it or Get Hit With It.
I'm all about sum SummaTime. I'm a mini skirt, tank top, and flip flop kinda chick who rides with her windows down and the music PUMPin. Once a beach bunny always a beach bunny and when the weather starts to get cold...
i sTarT To
GeT cRanKy
I Love to shake ma bon-bon.
I SweaR i'LL
ShaKe YouR LiFe uP
If You SweaR
To LisTeN CuZ
I'm sTiLL So YoUnG
AnD DeSpErAtE FoR aTTenTioN
I AiM To Be
In YouR EyEs
A TrOpHy WiFe!