Kristi (LG) profile picture

Kristi (LG)

you must be the change you wish to see in this world

About Me

Hanging with Jennifer
Training/Gyming it with the Bestest
Getting my life back to where I want it
Eating right
My cats
Lost girls
School is my life this semester
My family means the world to me
Malli is the raddest dog around
Trying to fix broken friendships

My Interests

Robbie, my dog Malli, school, Wii, guitar hero, Running, cooking,punk,hardcore

I'd like to meet:

I have met him, he is a great person. I have the best friends and family anyone could ever ask for.
my rockstar husband!!!


Earth Crisis A life once lost, All out war, Another victim, Between the buried and me, Buried Alive, Bloodlet, Anti Flag, Azazel, giant, Bad Religion, Bane, Black Dahlia Murder, Blacklisted, Caliban, California Takeover, Candiria, Cave In, The Clash, Converge, Cipher, Darkest Hour, Entombed, Obituary, Opeth, DTN, Hatebreed, Slayer, Lamb of God, Lars Fredrickson and the Bastards, RANCID!!!, Throwdown, Turmoil, Pantera, Prayer for Cleansing, Remembering Never, Sepultura, Snapcase, Strike Anywhere, Tim Armstrong, Twelve Tribes, Embrace today, Refused, Strife, Dead Prez, Terror, Cast Aside, Death before Dishonor, Ten Yard Fight, 86 Mentality, Slapshot, Most Precious Blood, Red Chord,


Harry Potter


Grey's Anatomy, CSI, NCIS, Desperate Housewives


my favorite books are: Brave New World, The Prophet, Ishmael, Evasion, The Case for Animal Rights, Harry Potter, Of Mice and Men, Divinci Code, and Angels and Demons


MY MOM For never giving up and teaching me so many things in life. She is my best friend. I don't know where I would be if she never stood by me through all my mistakes.
Robbie Not only are you my best friend, my soul mate, my everything, you have taught me so many life lessons, you have taught me what the true meaning of life is, and for your strength, you have taught me to never give up. thanks for that, i love you.

My Blog

fuck KFC

KFC suppliers slit the throats of conscious animals and boil them alive, chop the beaks off mother chickens and drug their chickens with antibiotict to keep them alive through the conditions that woul...
Posted by kristi lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

what about the chicken.. GO VEGAN

Why you should be vegan About Chicken--- The average American eats more than 75 pounds of chicken meat every year. But our appetite for chicken has come at a high cost, often hidden from consumer...
Posted by kristi lee on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST