Music, the cactus of the night, Beer, Girls, Guitars, amps, Tattoos, Girls, Gunbound...
The Mars Volta, Homer Simpson, Mario, Luigi, Cap'n Falco, Link...
RX Bandits, Reel Big Fish, The Mars Volta, Homegrown, My chemical Romance, Adam Disaster, The Zack Attack, x86, Souldier of Fortune, The Aquabats, Thrice, Chevelle, Blindside... I could keep going on forever and forever, I'll just say instead that I will listen to anything, I love it all.
Star Wars, Back to the Future, Howard the Duck, The American Tale...
Cops, Judge Judy, Jerry SPringer, VH1, MTV, FUSE, Comedy Central, The Discovery Channel...mostly tv just suks
Stephen King. Ive just finished the last book in the Dark Tower series... its getting good...really good, Id better get back to that...oh wait its done!!!. I dont think I will ever read again.
Aaron Barret, Matt Embree, Billy Joe Armstrong, John Egetter, Brandon Contreas, Dori Lopez, Davy Lopez, Chico Lopez, That crazy ol' Holly Wells, Nick Marx... Mr. Lopez... Anyone that has every played music with me just for a good time...