I adopted a cute lil' gothy fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I am just getting into fishing and I love to knit,
I like studying egyptology,Muay Thai,workingout,to ride (I want a norton, indian or triumph, I keep trying to get my friend david to give me his harley but he says no so....)travel & basically just learn new things often! Im not a typical female! Good people,good drink,great weather = a really great time! I can dig just hangin out with the right person just the same. Did I happen to mention that Ive got a great family?I love intelligent people of all shapes and sizes and stimulating conversations!! I think its incredible when you can talk or write with someone that doesnt mind someone that has their own mindset, and understands that its ok to be different.
I also love to read & enjoy the Cinema, especially Independent Films, & am a firm believer that knowledge is power!Education is a never ending process I just wish more people could understand that! Oh wait this is America, we don't do that here anymore, quick folks before Bush passes another law! (Damn you Jon Stewart!)
Dark Purple
To others, you seem a bit dark, mysterious, and moody.
In truth, you are just a very unique person who doesn't care what others think.
And you really enjoy your offbeat interests and friends.
You've decided that life is about living for yourself - simple as that.
What Color Purple Are You?
New Knitting friends, Parker Posey, I think shed be fun. Burton Emmerson ,Eddie Izzard,Dave Chappell,cool people! Its important to mean what you say, and be respectful of me and my life. Something Ive noted is that some people say that they are tired of the games & when they have someone that doesnt play them,they dont know what to do or how to handle the lack of chaos,or someone meaning what they say. Some have even been know to start playing games just to create a bit of tension,which is very unnecessary.
The Artwork of Karla Ruiz [SuicideKitten.com]
Is it peculiar to want to have some type of a normal relationship with a beautiful man on the inside & out that wants to be with me but at the same time enjoys doing his own thing? Think you can handle it?
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I love music, of course 80s goth, preferably, I also like some modern types as well, quick F.Y.I. most gothic music is closer to classical, Im not really into most main stream stuff.
I love listening to Nick Cave, Joy Division, Peter Murphy, Bauhaus,Iggy, Tom Waits,Fugazi,Bowie, Prefrab Sprout (some things cant be helped),The Mission,Type O Negitive,Clan of Xymox, Soft Cell, Danzig,Black Flag, The Swans,Motorhead,B-Movie, Mudhoney, I love you guys!!!, Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music, Siouxi, XTC, Squeeze, The Damned,Ultravox, HIM, Manson,
Jingo De Lunch( Yvonne Roars!)
The Jam, Dinosaur,The Clash, This Mortal Coil,The Velvet Underground and Nico, the Pixies,the Sugar Cubes,can that Bjork sing or what!?,Social D., The Cramps, Everlast, Exploited, Sade, Garbage, Cake, Portishead,Sonic Youth, Fields of the Nephlium, PJ Harvey, Jesus&Mary Chain,London After Midnight,69Eyes, Depeche Mode,Echo and the Bunnymen, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, NIN, The Smiths & Morrisey, Yaz,The Killers, Mazzy Star, the Pumpkins, Zeplin,Ozzy,The Eagles,The D.K.'s,the Dead Milkmen,and Hendrix is amazing.
I love George Clinton and cant ever get enough of Dr. Dre, yes I think he is one sexy ass man! Old rock, soul,blues,funk & disco are great! There are way toooo many to name from these catagories! 60's music is also pretty cool. I find music from the 20s & 40s a bit interesting as well. I think country blows but I grew up listening to 50's and western from my older siblings and parents, so Cash, Patsy,and Pride are cool, but thats about as far as I can bend.
Pootie Tang, I also love dark films,Requiem for a dream,Amistad,The Woodsman,Fight Club, Hedwig, Ravenous, Reservoir Dogs,Twin Peaks,Sir Quinten T flicks, Martial Art Films,Asylum,Momento,Breaking Waves,I love Emily Watson, Taxi Driver,A cook,the theif, his wife and her lover, one of the best films ever made! The Piano Teaher, Naked Lunch,Vanilla,Boxing Helena, Grease, Underworld, Closer, Snatch, Betty Davis,Marlene Detrich, Katherine Hepburne, Dorty Dandritch, Spencer Tracy because he is the best actor of all time. I love Rock Hudson because I believe he is the sexiest male actor ever. John Waters y? Because we like you!! See this insane flick called Feed its off, you have to watch it!David Lynch Films are brilliant! Foreign is always good. Staaaarrrr Wars, and anything Keanu because hes really going to be my husband one day, that is when I start believing in marriage,ok it was worth a shot, its just a girlhood crush that just wont seem to go away, that paired with a friend of mine working with him and telling me that he is all that and more!!, oh well whats a girl to do, for now ill just settle for his incredible selflessness and wisdom!!Independents are super. I love the Royal Tennebaums,Rushmore,etc., I dig, dare I write this, Musicals~ Yes I do. Moulin Rouge,Xanadu is my favorite of all time. I love horror, B-movies, scifi and action too! I think this makes me as my friend Joye puts it: A N-EEEEERRRRRRRR-D! hahahaha
First something thats cancelled and shouldnt be ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT!!!!!! Dave Chappell, All things Law and Order, Knitting,Supernatural. Prison Break, Rescue Me, Oz, I loved that series!! Medium and Nip Tuck of course,and Serial Killer documentries. I just love learning about human nature and how primitive we actully are.I love IFC and the Sundance channel,TCM is also a plus. Discovery Health and The History Channel are quite interesting as well, they always lead me to the internet or the library to find out if what theyre saying is true. I dont mind catching a little anime every now and again either. Too bad Sci Fi has lost its touch :( , theyre slowly making a come back though so thats coooo!
Favorite authors :ANNE RICE,Poe,Wilde,Yeats, Christopher Rice, Keats,Woody Allen, Hunter S.Thompson, David Cronenberg, Edward Gorey, Tim Burton, Wilde,Burroughs,Clive Barker, Anais Nin, Henry Miller,(the damn diviants) civil rights leaders lives, the macabe, Anything that can teach me something
Take the quiz:
What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?
You have an open heart and open mind and you chose not to let anyone get to you and the way you want to live.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!People who are able to endure the crap that life throws at them.Joye you ROCK! Civil rights leaders,Richard Pryor,P.O.W.'s of any and all Wars, Women who refuse to be told that they cant do something they know they are completley capable of doing. Children that survive the awful things that parents can put them through, and of course My Mother and Sister,and my children. Definately not last Brandon Lee