I'm Asian, if you couldn't tell. This means that my life so far, for the most part, has generally revolved around my education. I graduated from UC Irvine last June. Yes, I was a pre-med student; no, I didn't apply to medical school. Somewhere along the road I fell off the "ideal Asian child" track. Delinquent? No. Lazy? Possibly. Driven? I think so. All I know is I want to be happy, and I've found paltry happiness in wholy academic achievements -- this is not to say I think education is stupid, God knows I'd love to slap a ", Ph.D" at the end of my name and have people call me "Doctor." Life is coming at me fast and I'm trying to juggle it, no doubt I've dropped tons of balls (cue Hans to laugh at sexual innuendo, possibly) but I have faith that my life will be filled with happiness, as it is now! Sure, I have tons of moments of self-doubt, who doesn't, but I've found life doesn't wait for me to emo around before picking back up.Currently, I'm working at Activision in Santa Monica. Hopefully, I'll be a Producer one day, that's the ultimate goal :D but right now I'm fighting tooth and nail to be noticed among the thousands of others who want to do the same thing. I've toyed with the idea of going back to medical school, but, I don't really feel like I'd be fit for the job if I'm just toying with the idea. I feel like life is about passion, so why do something you're not absolutely passionate about?
Less philosophical information:
I've been working at Starbucks since my senior year of high school. It's fun.
I'm a gamer. Blame my two older brothers for their influence on me as a child.
I procrastinate, have sinus problems, compulsively clean and love Target.
I think I'm finally no longer scared of my parents.