Skateboarding, surfing,Kyokashin Karate, drawing, reading, kicking the shit out of chaves, boozing, trying to form bands with reluctants.
People who I probably won't want to kill!!
Zegota, Trumans Water, Hot Snakes, Punk Action Shotgun, These arms are snakes, Archers of Loaf, Hold Me Back, Gorila Biscuit, Lt meat, State Run, Iron Age, Suicidal Tendancies, Mouldy Peaches, Beastie Boys, Brainiac, Outbreak, Twist The Knife, Shadow Law, Goater Cycle, plus a tone more anything you can break a sweat to. Modest Mouse, The Dead Swans, Wraith, 33, The Cold Ones, One Voice, more to come.
Melt movies like The Stuff, Body Melt, Street Trash, and Harry Potter yeah thats right I'll admit it I love that shit, and movies like Goodfellas, fight club, I'm not one of these wankas who feel they need to obcess over how clever a movie is, its good or shite.
Always watch crap in the morning like Frasier, Willy and Gays I mean Will and Grace, King of Queens, just high brow stuff realy.
Whats one of them? Oh I remember, anything by Martin Miller he is the shit!!!! Check out the good fairies of new york and Lux the poet, the Night Watch Trilogy which I am reading Shit by shit, Harry Potter Yo!!! Food for the future which is about the advantages of Vegan.
Matt Stemp, Lt Meat,Tony Martin, my Sempai , Sempai Mel Howels 50 plus and the hardest yet nicest man you could ever hope to meet, anyone who stands up for themselfes when unjustly confronted.