I just got out of a relationship but I want to start a new one.. a much, much better one. I want a MAN WITH A JOB.. a real job, McDonalds doesn't count.. Thats not to say I wont pull my own weight, but i want someone who realy wants to be someone, someone who at least wants to go to college or better yet, someone who is done with school. I dont care about looks so much (although it can't hurt) except that I like a guy to be tall, I dont know why lol.. funny is a plus too, of coarse you have to be fun to be around and make life exciting.. I know im picky but thats who I want.. if thats not you, then dont bother me (jk but i probably won't date you ;)
Hit me up on AIM ;) sexigirl5486
there is so much out there (i love all music) but my all time favorite is RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS
I hate movies that are stupid, i mean funny movies are ok but i realy like the realy good ones.. I dont care if it makes me a nerd but i love Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.. the both get a bad rep because of all the obsessive weirdos out there but they are all great movies, I also love Boondocks Saints.. I just recently saw it but i LOVED it.. any other movie like that..
I dont watch to much tv.. turns your brain to Mush
not that im not intelegent.. or at least i try to be.. but reading is LAME!!.. sorry
My mom (she is everything I want to be)