Frederic.C - yumezone profile picture

Frederic.C - yumezone

Dark Room - Bright Light

About Me

Myspace c'est vraiment nul en fait... Vox c'est mieux ;)
I created my profile myself with my own fingers on my keyboard, using my brain and skills.

French member of the International Association of MySpace Users that Automatic Music on Profiles Annoy : IAMSUAMPA ;)

French Photographer

Capturing life and death from the deep of an eye to the despair of steel.
Stilling the shape of a body, the softness of skin.
Playing with light, shadows, angles and colors.

photobook :
photoblog :

Want to talk about photo ? Always searching for new models event if I never have enough time to shoot ;)

more info on Yumezone

My Interests

Photography, Photography, Photography, Industry, Architecture, Fetish and Dark Pictures, Japanese Culture,

I'd like to meet:

Artists, creative people, photo model as I'm a photographer, cool people


The Cure, Depeche Mode, Bauhaus, Joy Division, Godspeed You Black Emperor, Achive, Dead Can Dance, David Bowie, RadioHead, Muse, The Faint, NIN, Marylin Manson, Placebo, Massive Attack, Portishead, Berrurier Noir, Ludwig Von 88, Sex Pistols, Amon Tobin, Bjork, Jabberwock


Gost In The Shell, Le tombeau des Lucioles, Requiem for a Dream, Takeshi Kitano, Mamoru Oshii, The Cremaster, La Cité de la Peur, Visitor Q, Tati, Postman Blues, L'homme Puma, Memories,


no tv

My Blog

F.tish : ma nouvelle expo photo

F.tish c'est ma nouvelle expo photo fétish, ça dure encore 3 semaines.F.tishà partir du 11 Novembre 2006à la boutique Démonia (Paris)
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Thu, 16 Nov 2006 04:46:00 PST

lever le rideau

Voila, Ma premiere exposition photo a enfin lieu. Ca s'appelle lever le rideau et c'est un petit florilege de jolies photos. Ca dure tout l'ete au Kata Bar le vernissage c'est le 29 juin pour les i...
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 02:09:00 PST

Les fabuleuses ruines de Detroit

They are youngThey are talentuedThey are sexy (less than me)They are Yves and Romain Here is there first exhibition in Paris.This is the 15 of June, Exhibition during 3 weeks. You MUST see it !"Les Fa...
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Mon, 12 Jun 2006 05:23:00 PST

First time my images will be shown

HiGrande nouvelle,  la semaine prochaine le 30 Avril je presenterai 4 ou 6 photos la Pervarty3 / Fetish-Gothic au Klub (Paris). Beaucoup d'artistes seront prsents et prsenteront leur travaux, bi...
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Sun, 23 Apr 2006 07:18:00 PST

nouveau depart

Bon voila quelques jours sur myspace, je commence prendre un peu mes marques. Pas avident, assez peu d'interaction globale sur le site, apparement c'est principalement du "one to one", aborder les gen...
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Thu, 25 Aug 2005 01:39:00 PST

First Entry

Trying to write in English for first time since more than one year. Quite hard, I hope my style will be appreciated by the community and I'll meet interesting people.
Posted by Frederic.C - yumezone on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST