KRAFTWERK, Slick Idiot, Imperative Reaction, Rotersand, Lucia, KMFDM, PIG, Ayria, Assemblage 23, Seabound, Razed in Black, Covenant, pzychobitch, Mind in a Box, Sister Machine Gun, Chemlab, Praga Khan, XP8, Leæther Strip, Snog, Edge of Dawn, Circle of Dust, Schwein, More Machine than Man, Lola Angst, Neuroticfish, Buck-Tick, Die Warzau, Steril, Reaper, Newcleus, Funker Vogt, Deepsky, AC/DC (only with Bon Scott R.I.P.), Dance or Die, Absurd Minds, Die Krupps, Curve, Bauhaus, Digital Factor, Extrabreit, Fluke, Nina Hagen, Leonard Cohen, Anthony Rother....Burt Bacharach...far toooo many to list them all.
Tim Burtons Ed Wood, Trees Lounge and Living in Oblivion (Steve Buscemi is awesome), Reservoir Dogs, Boogie Nights, Up in Smoke, JFK, The Warriors, The Crow, Dr.Strangelove, Night on Earth, Fight Club, Indiana Jones, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, Hudsucker, Barton Fink (Coen Brothers...love their movies), Once were Warriors, Welcome to Wellville, Dogma, Gattaca, Stripes...David Lynch is my no. one director...awesome movies......
TV is just for Brainwashed Idiots...sagt NEIN zu TV!!! Who the hell wants to see all this crap? ...and especially I hate MTV!!!
Brave New World, 1984, The GOD Complex and Fahrenheit 451 are my most favourite books, Christopher Moore, Gerhard Wisnewski, Kafka, Borroughs, some Bukowskis, Fromm, Kant, Dostojewsky, Hersh, Douglas Adams, George Orwell, and F.Ibanez..
My Parents..