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About Me

i may just be the koolest person u have ever met! dont ask me y, ionno. im almost as kool as fresh squeezed soul-nog. it could also be very posible that i m not the koolest person that u have ever met... and in that case, um... then yea. there areWHAT BUILDS MIKE: diving and guitar...wow that was anti climactic. o well
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

penguins ... yeah, penguins ... and mr. yealu as an astronaut, if u r ever sad just think of that and u will be happy. and flying pigs and soul nog...that will make u happy to.... oh and dont forget fat loonly british midgets named hashmeer shashmeer

I'd like to meet:

sarah,nat.,jesus,hashmees shashmeer, jimi page, a fat lonly british person, a midget.. r u sarah, natalie, jesus, jimi page, or a fat lonly britsish midget named hashmeer shashmeer?The CricketSoda Myspace Editor!


rock is the only music there is


hahaha... books... thats funny


LING JEA... o to thee ling jea, we hardly neweth thee. thou speaketh thine word of wisdome that we hardly understandeth. we miseth thee, o dearest ling jea. =( Y THE FUCK DID U GO BACK TO CHINA!!! we didnt even get to say good bye =(. i also need to meet some one named hung tou lee, any one ima pagan to any one who will take me to heaven.