Pete profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Just a guy that works too much and trying to enjoy life. Love my boys,they are the reason I'm on this earth. I work in the environmental field, hard to explain because my company is into all aspects. So if you need to know, I'll gladly tell
What would You Rather Do?? by m0neymike
kiss or sex: How about...Foreplay?
fetish or juice: Did I miss that class?
shoot or stab: Shoot
love or french kiss: Both
night clubz or magazine drive: Drive
drive or walk: Drive
talk or take shower/bath: Water and.......Get IT?
books or magaizine: Magazine
hug or look at: Hug
feel or lick him/her: Both
live on ur own or live with your parents: Sore subject
fight back or snitch: Kick ass
make fun or be made fun of: Both....have to laugh at yourself
live on or live with: Live On
drown or get burned: Neither
wiped off the the shore or get whipped off the ground: Both sound bad
selfish or be a retart and share: Get your own shit!!
argue or fist-fight: Done Talking
box or wrestle: Don't need the ref!
hate or love: Love
run over someone or beat them down: Beat them
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My Interests

music, muscle cars....not the rice burners with the lawn mower mufflers.Add a cold intake and now your car is really fast......right.

I'd like to meet:

Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes
Myspace Generators
Myspace Backgrounds


80's metal,country,pop.....I'm a musician....enjoy it all


Better Off Dead, Ferris Bueller,any movie that's dry


Is that the big box with the screen Music Video: OVER YOU (by Daughtry)

.. Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone


My children,my family and friends that have all been there for me....

My Blog


.hov:hover{background-color:yellow}Music Video: _me_when_youre_sober.html" target='_blank'>CALL ME WHEN YOU'RE SOBER  (by Evanescence)Music Vi...
Posted by Pete on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 04:23:00 PST