Technology,Quantom Physics,Computer Programming,Game Design/Video Games,Map Making(on Graph Paper);;;
I expect all those asking to be my friend and on my friends list to be responsible, adult members of society.I will not accept members to my friends list who condone acts which are illegal in this country or the country in which that potential "friend" resides.I do not and will never condone illegal, irresponsible behavior such as using illegal drugs, committing acts of unjustified violence, drinking blood, participating in cannibalism, or anything of that nature.Please consider this before asking me to be your "friend." And if you are denied by me, this is likely the reason why I have done so.
Regarding Music....I Generally Like Anything but Rap & Hip-Hop(I prefer Music that I can understand the words to). For example:D.H.T(Listen To Your Heart)Jewel(Intuition)
I'm into Scary/Violent Movies...I do like some old "B"type sci-fi movies(Great for seeing how bad the movie is).I do like some Comedies such as "There's Something About Mary"/I have a real /weird sence of Humor.Sci-Fi movies that I've enjoyed in the Past...The Terminator(Arnold) movies...& the Matrix(trilogy).I don't watch whatever movies I buy/rent is based on research/primarily general audience imput....though there are several movies that I do like that are low/budget/or off kilter in design.An example of some weird/Scary movies that I like are....Stewart Gordons "Dagon" & Both SAW & SAW 2. Batman Begins, is a favorite of Mine.
I don't watch T.V; the only Times I watch T.V is1)When I'm Gaming on one of My Consoles.or2)When I'm watching A DVD/which I either Like or had a friend reccomend---speaking of which...I always do a search on reviews for movies/I Like to watch bad movies too/on DVD , if only so I can access any/if any Director-Actor Commentary :) /
Anything Sci-Fi/Fantasy type novels...I'm not into Romance novels(unless thers's a compelling story behind it---so far I haven't read anything romantic...besides Beuty & The Beast)The Satanic Bible, The Satanic RitualsI love Books by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone(If you can figure out why Kudos to you)I do have a taste for Dark/Nitty Gritty Books an Example of this Is "The Black Company" series of Books/written by Glen Cook.And I absolutely love H.P Lovecraft :)
People Who Think For Themselves, Go-Getters