I love spending time with family and friends, theater, stunt work, going dancing, singing, movies with big tubs of popcorn, cuddling with my new hubby, good food, and laughing really hard!
I've been out of the show now for 3 months due to an injury...but can't wait to get back in next month!! Come check out the PINNACLE PEAK PISTOLEROS...every night at Pinnacle Peak/Trail Dust Town on east Tanque Verde. Three shows a night at 7:00, 8:00, and 9:00pm. ADMISSION IS FREE!!!! Believe me, this is a very entertaining show that you would normally pay a lot of money to see elsewhere.Those who share my passion for film, theater, and life. Interesting, "real", and motivated people.
See a couple of the films I've worked on at http://homepage.mac.com/presidiofilms/iMovieTheater4.html and www.purgatoryaz.com. Coming soon to a theater near you..."The Long Shot" (check it out on IMDB).
Don't have much time for television. Would rather spend time with my family.
Don't have much time for reading either...with the exception of scripts or music that need to be memorized!
Those who follow their dreams and find success in the knowledge that they are doing what they love. Those who persevere in the face of adversity. My mom.
The really important people in your life are the ones who know the real you. Those people that take the time to make a positive difference in your life everyday, not just once in awhile when it's convenient for them. True love shows sacrifice.