1st Lady Bangtu Records **** FREE GAT TONY**** profile picture

1st Lady Bangtu Records **** FREE GAT TONY****

About Me

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How I made my profile:
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .Givin u a lil info and a proper introduction about ya gurl.. Im "G"... Bangtu Records ' first lady... I was born and raised n Texas and will always rep the Durrtty. ..I moved to NY and graduated highschool .. joined the Army worked in the Military Intelligence field after comming home I returned to NY and obtained an Associate Degree n Broadcast Communications .. I also own my own promotions company "Unladylike Entertainment"... I have thrown events all over the US to include cities such as Albany, NY.. Syracuse, NY.. my hometown of Houston, TX.. and Altanta,GA... I have organized events with many different artists to include Jim Jones, Juelz Santana, Lil' Flip, Adina Howard, Crime Mob, R kelly , Fatman Scoop and many more.. although i have had the pleasure of working with many different celebrities bein here n New York has presented me one of the greatest oppertunites of my career ..... I met one of the realest people that i have n my life the Bangtu Boss Gat Tony... his intensity and heart made me believe.. all it took was one trip to the studio and i was on board .. he introduced me to his team ... Bangtu Records... Gat Tony CEO & Artist.... Dan Barz .. artist.. AB...our engineer extraordinar.. V.O...Chaqlate .. and DJ Biz.. our DJ....everyone is crucial to our movement and together we are the realest team to ever hit the streets and a serious threat to the hip hop game... we have already released one mixtape ("Two Roads One Destination" hosted by DJ Bedtyme 357).. and shot two videos for You Tube.. and that was just the beginning.... we are more focused now than ever.. we currently working on our first LP along with our second mixtape.. we are also getting ready to shoot our third video for our first single... we also getting geared up for a muti city promotional tour... so dont be suprised if we pop up n your city real soon... IT'S B-B-BANGTU BABY.... '

My Interests


Member Since: 04/06/2008
Band Members:

Gat Tony_ The Boss ... Dan Barz _ Artist... AB_ Engineer ... Biz _ DJ.. G_ First Lady...Chalqat.& V.O.
Influences: One of my biggest personal influences is the Bangtu Boss Gat Tony no matter what happens in life he refuses to lie down no matter how bad or hopeless a situation seems he always stands up out of the ashes and comes up with "the Plan".. the infamous line "I dont play checkers i play chess" and although i have been through my share of life i have learned if u sit back and are willing to trust and learn from the important people around u ..u cant lose.. and if u are a loyal person dont just let anyone take advantage of u ..make them earn it .. friendly extoration is a b*tch... (thanx Drae).. Drae the man with a thousand quotes and a person that i keep very close to my heart... My sister Ashlie ... my heart and..... my sons ... these are the people I consider my influences and my family... anyone outside "la Familia" isnt a influence at all....

How I made my profile::
I used MyWackoSpace.com 's amazing MySpace Editor .
Type of Label: Indie

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