Alot of things Baseball, Football, Basketball, Computer software, games, and programming and ummmmmm................... just what ever floats my boat.........
My Wife!!!
Anything thatll make my foot tap. Metaphorically and Hypothatically speaking of course!! I CAN DANCE!!!
The Freakin Effin NOTEBOOK BABY, LORD OF DA RINGS TRILOGY, Stewie Griffin Untold Story,mannnnnnn alot of damn movies o lets not 4 get to shout out HARRY POTTER ALL OF THEM INCLUDING THE BOOKS DAMNIT heheheheh
Law and Order, and E.R. ( Ya I Know They Go Hard) Real World, Gauntlet, Laguna Beach( I Know odd but good shows ) The Avatar, Teen Titans, Justice League Unlimited ( all go hard despite cartoons)
Me and............ Shyt Me