Rockin' the Tri-state 24/7 at the frequency of 106.3 on the FM dial and rockin the world at!Tune in each morning from 6am-10pm for the John Boy and Billy Big Show along with "The Informer" Rob Kimball.At 10am Erik on the X invades your radio loading you up on caffeine with the "10:40 Coffee Break." It features 3 listener request or 3 tunes from the same artist all back to back.In the noon hour you get a chance to win with "Lunch Time Lyrics" Erik reads off some lyrics, the first person call him on the X-Lines and name the artist and title wins!Beginning at 3pm the female presence takes over your radio with Robin Wilds. She takes your request and plays em' back during the drive home with the "Workday Wind Down" weekdays at 5pm. Midway through the Wind Down Robin breaks in with the 5:30 Cheese, a tune dedicated to the cheesiest times in rock music!Starting at 7 Brandon Woolum takes over with the "7 O'clock X-Files." It's a block of rock devoted to the bands that have rocked the Tri-State in the past, and the ones that are coming to do so soon!At 10 o'clock you get plugged in with the local rock scene with the "Local Lowdown." You'll hear a different local artist each night, but it's just a preview of what happens every Sunday night on Loud and Local.Six nights a week you get an hour loaded with the best in new rock with the "11 O'clock News." You'll hear all the new rock that plays throughout the day mixed in with some smaller up and coming bands that you may not be familiar with!If you want to contact our jocks then use their individual MySpace accounts by clicking their pictures in the top 4 below.For email requests use our official website or hit the X-lines at (304) 529-WAMX or 1-888-933-WAMX!Local bands wanting information on how to get your band played on X106.3's "Loud and Local" need to contact Brandon Woolum via MySpace or email at [email protected].