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Sara DMB

I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a HUGE Dave Matthews fan!!! I have been to many concerts and am hoping that one day we would meet! I am married, and live in an apartment currently with my husband, Scott. I am open-minded and not surprised by too much in our world today. I currently work at Starbucks in Downtown Rochester and have been there for 7 years. I like to think that I am an alright person, but, that's for everyone who knows me to say, I guess! Lol! I should also mention that I am in school for Culinary Arts and would one day like to be a personal chef. I love the entertainment industry and I figure if I combine the two things I love, food and music, I certainly cannot go wrong. I love making people's tummies happy, and I value the good company that goes along with the dinners I serve! Hopefully one day I will be able to cook for you!

My Interests

People who are intriguing in everyway!

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I'd like to meet:

Uhhh...hmmm....Dave Matthews? Yeah..Dave Matthews....AIM Screen name: DMBsara34


I love Dave Matthews, DMB, Rashawn Ross, Beck, Matisyahu, Soulive, Nikka Costa, Moby, Depeche Mode, Dido, Fiona Apple, Led Zeppelin, Mike Doughty, VAST, Coldplay, Muse, Pink Floyd, The Postal Service, Filter, Keane, Ben Harper, Franz Ferdinand, Dead Can Dance, Enya, ?estlove, Speakerphone, NIN, Massive Attack, Portishead, and way too many others to even comprehend....I guess you could say I have a diverse music taste!
What Dave Matthews Band fan are you?
Congrats! You are a Dave Matthews Band NERD! You eat, breathe, and drink DMB. You've seen at least 10-20 concerts, met a band member or two, and trade their live concerts on CD-R. You rule, and know what music should sound like.
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The Adventures of Priscilla- Queen of the Desert (one of my all time favorite movies! Hugo Weaving was so amazing...), Little Women, Constantine, The Matrix (yes, all three of them...), The Fifth Element, Super Troopers, Dumb and Dumber, Ace Ventura (1 & 2), Monty Python and the Holy Grail & the Meaning of Life, Goonies, Napoleon Dynamite, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Crash, The Princess Bride, Old School, 40 Year Old Virgin...again, many different likes...basically whatever makes me laugh or cry.
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Family Guy....all the way! Giggidy giggidy OH! Also, I love '24'. Jack Bauer is the SH1T! I also love Ghost Hunters when I can catch it. Also, Reno 911! Not having cable right now really sucks but at least I can rely on Season DVD's! Jack Bauer="Da Man" Glen Quagmire


Of Mice and Men, A Movable Feast, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Da Vinci Code, don't really read too much, for I work too much and listen to music SO much, but I have to say these are my favorites.


My hero is (I am very repetitive, buuuut...) Dave Matthews. I view him as my hero because he, as well as I, have braved tough situations and gotten through them using music as an outlet.Eh Hee - Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds

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My Blog


So, I am sitting up at my work last night (Starbucks) studying, when out of the blue my co-worker walks up to me (mind you, I am listening to DMB quite loudly on my headphones when she said something ...
Posted by Sara DMB on Sat, 09 Feb 2008 01:09:00 PST

Tag!! You’re it!!

Ok "Tagged You're It" is something to learn all sorts of stuff about your friends. Once you've been tagged you must write a blog. You can list any weird unusual or just a plain fact about yourself als...
Posted by Sara DMB on Fri, 08 Feb 2008 11:24:00 PST

Christmas stress and New Years anticipation...

So, Christmas has finally passed...yes, I said "finally".  I can't tell you how much I looked forward to the end of the holidays because of not only it being insanely busy at my work (like, lines...
Posted by Sara DMB on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 07:34:00 PST

Check out this video: Depp Sweeney Clip (Singing portion only)

Check out this video: Depp Sweeney Clip (Singing portion only) Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Sara DMB on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 07:33:00 PST


If you were thinking of the next line as being 'is the greatest day I've ever known...' per the Smashing Pumpkins's not. But, nonetheless, I am planning a day of self-enrichment. I am going t...
Posted by Sara DMB on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:13:00 PST

So, what’s up with me, you ask?

Nothing. That's what. I have been working as much as I can work and going to my class every Tuesday. My winter semester is going to be full! I am taking two classes for my winter semester (Production ...
Posted by Sara DMB on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 01:29:00 PST

Ghost Hunting Trip number 2~~Soop Cemetery

Per my last blog about Soop Cemetery in Belleville, MI, here are the pictures from our trip. I came away feeling very accomplished.. No one was smoking during this photo... This is my friend Jim, h...
Posted by Sara DMB on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 10:06:00 PST

My next ghost hunt...

Alright, ghost hunt numero dos is happening this Sunday (not until nightfall...which is around 7:15 p.m.) and will occur at Soop Cemetery in Belleville. Here is an article I found...anyone interested ...
Posted by Sara DMB on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 11:42:00 PST

Ghost hunting photos...continued!

These photos were of Eloise Mental Institution in Westland, MI. I was way bummed when I got there to see that the smoke stack, which used to stand high about Michigan Ave. and was almost a beacon to t...
Posted by Sara DMB on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:19:00 PST

Ghost Hunting @ Eloise and the cemetery...**pics**

These are the photos from William Butler-Ganong Cemetery that we visited last night...nothing too crazy happened, just caught a few orbs in my photos but nothing too spectacular. I am not sure if I co...
Posted by Sara DMB on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:06:00 PST