I'm gonna put one o'those question thingies here. They rock, even though they're kinda stupid.
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your Fears: Planes, sobriety and growing up
Thoughts First Waking Up: "I gotta pee"
Your Best Physical Feature: My liver is made of steel
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Do You Smoke: 2 much
Do You Drink: Not as much as I used to, thank god!
Do You Swear: A little
Do You Sing: Kinda
Do You Shower Daily: Yes
Do you like to watch sports? Not really, unless porn counts as sports
Do You Drive: Only when I need to
Have You Been In Love: Yes. Thank god for ecstasy!
Do You Want To Get Married: Yup
When do you want to get married? When I'm like 40
To whome? To a 20 year old girl
Do You Think You are Attractive: Kinda. I attract trouble.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Sometimes
Do You Have Any Brothers or Sisters: A bruthah
Do You Have any Pets: 3 dogs and a bong
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: A little, yes
In the past month have you Smoked: I'm smoking a cig right now
In the past month have you been on Drugs: I'm pretty high right now or I wouldnt be taking this dumb survey
Ever Shoplifted: Yes
Ever Gotten a Speeding Ticket: No, the only ticket I ever got was for driving without my seatbelt on
Ever Had a Secret Crush: Yes
When Was the Last Time You Were Drunk: Last Sunday afternoon
When Was the Last Time You Were on a Plane: About 1 year ago. Winter 2007
When Was the Last Time You Heard "I Love You": 5 mins ago. I said it to myself.
When Was the Last Time You Cried: I dont remember ever crying
Number of Tattoos: One
Number of Things in My Past I Regret: I dont remember much, so I dont regret much
Whats your best feature? I guess it's my sense of humour
Whats your worst feature? Also my sense of humour, it's my only feature, actually
Whats one thing you want to change about yourself? I would like 2 be more passionate about life
Is it possible? Who cares!?