L$! Billy profile picture

L$! Billy

MySpace sucks

About Me

I'm gonna put one o'those question thingies here. They rock, even though they're kinda stupid.
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your Fears: Planes, sobriety and growing up
Thoughts First Waking Up: "I gotta pee"
Your Best Physical Feature: My liver is made of steel
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Do You Smoke: 2 much
Do You Drink: Not as much as I used to, thank god!
Do You Swear: A little
Do You Sing: Kinda
Do You Shower Daily: Yes
Do you like to watch sports? Not really, unless porn counts as sports
Do You Drive: Only when I need to
Have You Been In Love: Yes. Thank god for ecstasy!
Do You Want To Get Married: Yup
When do you want to get married? When I'm like 40
To whome? To a 20 year old girl
Do You Think You are Attractive: Kinda. I attract trouble.
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Sometimes
Do You Have Any Brothers or Sisters: A bruthah
Do You Have any Pets: 3 dogs and a bong
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: A little, yes
In the past month have you Smoked: I'm smoking a cig right now
In the past month have you been on Drugs: I'm pretty high right now or I wouldnt be taking this dumb survey
Ever Shoplifted: Yes
Ever Gotten a Speeding Ticket: No, the only ticket I ever got was for driving without my seatbelt on
Ever Had a Secret Crush: Yes
When Was the Last Time You Were Drunk: Last Sunday afternoon
When Was the Last Time You Were on a Plane: About 1 year ago. Winter 2007
When Was the Last Time You Heard "I Love You": 5 mins ago. I said it to myself.
When Was the Last Time You Cried: I dont remember ever crying
Number of Tattoos: One
Number of Things in My Past I Regret: I dont remember much, so I dont regret much
Whats your best feature? I guess it's my sense of humour
Whats your worst feature? Also my sense of humour, it's my only feature, actually
Whats one thing you want to change about yourself? I would like 2 be more passionate about life
Is it possible? Who cares!?

My Interests

Music, Vintage Guitars and Amplifiers, Hawaian Shirts, Old American Cars, Cigarettes, Liquor, Cannabis, Universal Love, Used Records, Designer Drugs, Baggy Pants, Adidas Snickers, Hip Hop, Motorcycles, Wine, Bodacious Babes, European and Asian Pornography, Cigars and on and on and on

I'd like to meet:


Half Baked, Once upon a time in America, Western Spaguettis, Stoner Comedies (like Half Baked and that one with Ice Cube), Grease, Rebel without a cause, The Wild One, The Godfather trilogy, etc etc


Dumb sitcoms like friends and E! channel.


Tolstoi, Proust and Hustler.