me is a boy soon to be out of college with much free time on his hands. he uses his hands and feet to do many things. these things are longboarding, guitar, snowboarding, chewing sunflower seeds, communicating love through body massage, and the likes. he likes sunshine, people with happy and sensible ideas, and musical interludes at appropriate moments in time such as the serendipidous events of a devilishly good looking girl settling to the floor in one young man's room as bob dylan's "lay lady lay" conviniently blares its way through the airwaves.
i don't normally talk in third person. i'm a pretty normal person beside my abnormalities. it's 8 am as i am writing this. i haven't yet partaken of sleep. my apologies.
i make music as well. a few of my songs can be found online...
go here to hear
aim: johnnygjr