listening to poetry, art, theater, camping, hiking, running, traveling, family guy, south park, most anime, engineering, tennis, photography, dogs, Australia, Harry Potter, live journal, guys, trying new things
I'm just gonna promote some of my favorite local bands and people should check them out. Omnisoul, IKE, Jealousy Curve, Matt Winn
too many to choose, but the good ones
family guy, futurama, south park, six feet under, ER, Law and Order SVU, silly makeover shows, the apprentice
Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, White Fang, the Sea Wolf, Grapes of Wrath, 1984, Brave New World, a Wrinkle in Time, Flowers in the Attic, the Da Vinci Code, Lord of the Rings... more that i can't think of
my grandmother, my uncle, isaac newton (hehe), Dr. Buchanan, my friends