leigh x profile picture

leigh x

I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're

About Me

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

I Love... puppies, sun, pink lillies, sleeping in, shopping sprees, every song ever made and always announce so when it comes on, Benki sushi, looking at the stars on a clear night, pretty heels, eyeshadow, fireworks, laughing out loud, snuggles with my baby, dancing by myself to my fave song full blast, music festivals, avocado, my D&G cellphone, pretty dresses, Renoir, earrings, seeing the world and experiencing other cultures, dressing up, massages, being with my friends, dolphins, lying in bed listening to the rain.I Hate... people with no manners, waking up thinking its the weekend and its not, maggots, anything spicy, smelly breath, hangovers, work, things around my wrist, cold sweats, rain & cold, angry people, being clumsy, boredom, small talk, commercials, people who talk at you not to youI love to have a good time, for most of us we only get one shot at life, so why not make it fuking awesome!!!! Try everything once, don't hold back from life, embrace it! Don't waste your time with regrets, life is about learning lessons and making mistakes. Remember your true friends, never turn your back on those you love and who love you back. Don't change for anyone, don't expect people to change for you. And most of all, stay cool and stay true to yourself!!!

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

All about yourself...the survey.
All about yourself...
First name?:: Leigh
Middle name?:: Frances
Like your name?:: Not my middle name!
Named after anyone?:: Nope
Any nicknames?:: Leigh-leigh
Birthdate?:: 8th June
Birthplace?:: North Shore Hospital
Time you were born?:: Um 12:32am
Current location?:: My office
Height?:: 174cm approx
Like your height?: Yup I like being tall
Eye color?:: Blue
Contacts/glasses?:: Glasses for reading and computer stuff
Hair color?:: Brown
Natural hair color?:: My hair is its natural colour
Dye your hair often?:: Na, I cant be bothered
Weight?:: 60kg
Like your weight?:: Meh I culd do with less junk food!
Righty or lefty?:: Righty
Any tatoos?:: Not yet
Piercings?:: a few...
Your favorite...
Type of music?:: House!
Band or singer?:: Impossible to pick just one!!!
TV show?:: Nip/Tuck
Movie?:: City of God
TV channel?:: C4 - I'm sooo addicted to music videos
Radio station?:: George
Place to be?:: In bed
Thing to do?:: Dance =]
Food?:: Sushi yum
Non alcoholic drink?:: Oreo shake
Alcoholic drink?:: Strawberry Daqueri
Animal?:: Dolphin and dog
Holiday?:: Greece!
Season?:: Summer - duh
Sport?:: Netball
Place to shop?:: Any gorgeous Lingere shop
Clothing brand?:: Hhhmm I dunno
Scent?:: Lacoste - Touch of Pink
Restaurant?:: This Thai one in Henderson
Fruit?:: Necterine
Vegetable?:: Broccoli
Fast food restaurant?:: Burger Fuel
Pizza topping?:: Cheese
Ice cream flavor?:: Cookies and cream
Magazine?:: NW
City?:: Rome
Color?:: Pink
This or that...
Chocolate or vanilla?:: Vanilla
Pepsi or coke?:: Diet Coke
Hot or cold?:: Hot
Black or white?:: Black
Dog or cat?:: Dog definately, cats hate me
French toast or pancakes?:: Pancakes, I've never tried french toast
French fries or onion rings?:: French fries
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Hamburger
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Yuk I hate both
Britney or Christina?:: Christina - she has actual talent
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Burger King
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem - 50 Cent is a faggot and he called my mum a bitch!
Canada or Mexico?:: Meixo is more exotic!
Hug or kiss?:: Kiss
Movies or TV?:: Movies
Truth or dare?:: Dare
Do you...
Shower daily?:: Yup
Sing in the shower?:: When I'm home alone
Like to sing?:: Oh yes!
Like to dance?:: Even more than singing
Smoke?:: Yup
Drink?:: Too much!
Cuss?:: Yea
Talk to yourself?:: Hehe on th rare occasion
Believe in yourself?:: Yup
Play an instrument?:: No definately not!
Go to school?:: No thank god!
Go to college?:: Not yet
Have a job?:: Yes
Like your job?:: Sometimes
Want to get married?:: Eventually
Want to have kids?:: Again eventually
Get along with your parents?:: Pretty well
Get along with your siblings?:: Sometimes
Drive?:: No =[
Love life...
Name?:: Talor
Age?:: 19
Zodiac sign?:: Pices
Started dating?:: A little while ago
How did you meet?:: Through friends
Who asked who out?:: Never really hapened
First date?:: Dates are for old people
Describe him/ her:: Perfect
Do you love him?:: Yes
Has he said he loves you?:: Yes
Do you think you're trustworthy?:: I like to think so
Think your funny?:: I hope so!!
Ever toilet papered someones house?:: Someones tree...
Gone garbage can tipping?:: Haha no but thats an idea!
What are your parents names?:: Bob and Dale
Siblings names?:: Vaughan and Kieran
Do you wash your hands frequently?:: Yea heaps
How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: 2 or 3
Collect anything?:: Postcards and shotglasses
Ever been in love?:: Yes
In love right now?:: Yes
What color pants are you wearing right now?:: I'm wearing a dress
How does your hair look?:: Tidy for once!
Ever had your heartbroken?:: Yup ='[
Ever broken the law?:: Oh no never.....
Been arrested?:: Not yet Yay!!!
Been out of the country?:: Yup its great!
Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: Hehe yup the whole thing!
When was the last time you got drunk?:: Yesturday
Do you do drugs?:: If the occasion calls for such
When was the last time you were high on anything?:: None of your business
Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: On
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Yes of course I'm not gunna be a saggy prune!
Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: Boxers
Do you like to laugh?:: Love it!!!!
Ever had a bloody nose?:: A few
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Lots I can even gut a fish
What was the last thing you ate?:: Mussels yummers!!
What time do you go to bed?:: around 12pm I've been a bit of a night owl lately
What's your favorite color?:: Pink
Do you like to give or recieve?:: Both hehe but nothing beats that feeling when u give someone something you know they really want!
Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: Quite a few things, NW for example
Do you live alone?:: Nope I live with Benjamin
Do you own a blender?:: A magic Bullet even!
Do you like the snow?:: Never been before
Ever been up a mountain?:: Yup I climbed Mount Tarawera
Ever been rootin'?:: I have no idea what that means so I'm gunna go with no...
Do you like surprises?:: Very much!!!!
Do you believe in love at first sight?:: Na thats lust
What is the best feeling in the world?:: Lying in bed at night all snuggled up listening to the rain on the roof top
The worst?:: When you've done something terrible and its time to fess up
Your greatest fear?:: Being covered in Maggots
The thing you want most in life?:: Happiness for myself and those I love..... that and Chad Michael Murray
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My Interests

Sleeping in, Drinking CCs or any kind of spirit really ;), dancing till I can't dance anymore, lying in the sun on a perfect summer day, Seedy Sundays at Alto, drunken singing at the top of my lungs, sleeping till mid-afternoon and just generally hanging out with my awesome friends and my baby ;) style="position:absolute; left:0px; top: 0px;" border="0"

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com

I'd like to meet:

Fellow alcoholics and anyone who loves to have a gud time all the time

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


Any kind of music to get u pumped like House music, Fat Boy Slim, Chemical Brothers, Fat Freddys Drop, Coldplay, Biggy, Big L, Oasis, Snow Patrol, Concord Dawn, Shapeshifter, Princess Superstar, Nelly Furtado, Peaches, Pharrell a huge mix of pretty much anything!!!


Nacho Libre!!! City of God, American History X, Kidulthood, Life is Beautiful, Requium for a Dream, Old School, Forrest Gump, Eurotrip, Mystic River, 40 Year Old Virgin, I love festival films and movies that make you feel a certain way after you watch them but you still cant say no to a good stupid comedy!!!

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Americas Next Top Model, Family Guy, Malcolm in the Middle, Nip/Tuck, Desperate Housewives, Little Britan, Simpsons, Southpark, Strip Search ;)



NW and cosmo are the extent of my literacy collection at the moment

Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com


My Mum, I have so much respect for her strength . My Dad, for being the kind of person i wish i wasand this dude cos hes the shit and he knows it!

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