About Me
"Fierceness, energy, furor, softness, and appeal to the senses: these are the words that could define what Kyle's Dancing Method is.
Oscillating between rage and melancholy, the band stands out of the mass thanks to its fieriness and its propensity to venture off the beaten track.
With its powerful drums / bass association, its sharp and efficient guitar solos, and a larynx raking itself, Kyle's Dancing Method lets its guts all out, amazes, and inevitably stamps the mind!"
Kyle’s Dancing Method was born in April 2003 in South East France. The band was first called No Recess.
In November 2004, the band released, by its own, its first four-titled demo entitled "Invisible Fist"
In January 2006, "What A Beautiful Slum" as its second five-track Ep is released.
This one was recorded in the late of 2005 and out on January 16th, 2006, in collaboration with Laurent Nafissi (Dyonisos, Uncommonmenfrommars, Minimum Serious, Mystic Revelation of Rastafari, Rhapsody...)
2008 is a year of changes including:
- a new band name: No Recess becomes Kyle’s Dancing Method.
- a new line-up: Freddy replaces Lise as bass player.
- a new demo: eight new songs (recorded, mixed and mastered at the NSR Studio by Laurent Nafissi)
Kyle’s Dancing Method is currently looking for records companies / labels, producers and promoters who would like to work with the band closely.
"Férocité, Énergie, fureur, douceur, appel aux sens,Kyle’s Dancing Method pourrait se définir par ces mots.Oscillant entre rage et mélancolie, le groupe s’illustre par sa fougue et sa propension à sortir des sentiers battus. Une assise basse / batterie puissante, des solos de guitare tranchants et efficaces, un larynx qui se déchire:Kyle’s Dancing Method sort ses tripes, surprend et inévitablement marque les esprits!"
Kyle’s Dancing Method voit le jour en avril 2003 dans le sud-est de la France et s’appellera d’abord No Recess.
En Novembre 2004, le groupe sort 500 copies de son premier maxi 4 titres "Invisible Fist" réalisé en autoproduction avec de tout petits moyens. En Janvier 2006, Kyle's Dancing Method sort "What A Beautiful Slum" (toujours en autoproduction, financé grâce aux concerts ainsi qu'aux ventes de leur précèdent opus). C'est un maxi 5 titres, réalisé en collaboration avec Laurent Nafissi (Dyonisos, Uncommonmenfrommars, Rhapsody, Mystic Revelation of Rastafari, Minimum Serious...)
2oo8 est résolument une nouvelle année avec
- un nouveau nom: No Recess devient Kyle’s Dancing Method.
- un nouveau line-up: Frédéric remplace désormais Lise à la basse.
- une nouvelle démo de 8 titres dont 2 titres acoustiques (enregistrée, mixée et masterisée par Laurent Nafissi au NSR Studio).
Actuellement le groupe recherche tous types de collaborations avec des maisons de disques, labels, producteurs, tourneurs, associations.
Kyle's Dancing Method played with:
The Crazy Nob, Almond's Drive , Bobby And The Yukky Boys, Flangers, Burning Heads , Absolut Cybelia, Antinéa, Capital Punishment, Sonik, If If Between , Yogg Sototh, Gériko, Transgunner, Am, France, The Inner Experiment, Cool Cavemen , Kamizole-K, Waloo, The Sterians, Sylvain Gabriel, Holophonics , Exude of Dreams, Carpe Nox, Electronic Bistoufly, Slam of Pigs, Phoibé, Les Caméléons , Com'X, Wizzi Wise, Noid , Sheeva, Blackout, The Razrockettes, The Candy Sugars, Side Issue , Pogona , Noiseless, Dead Rats , Stylzero, Full Process , Neokrown, Fleshouse, Le Baratin de la Joie , Katawumpus, Welfare, Ochik Bashok, Dead Side, Breed Machine , Métastaze, Sam et Jack'oustic, Aquila Quartet, Africa Combo , Apple Vice, Critical Storm, Midfit, Noisy Lie, Managua, Rémingway, AqME , Rouge Kit Ash, Les Intoxs, Prohiber, Ricochet, Bimbo Killers , Zodiak, Head Up , Steel Drôme, Sinder'In , Magnica, Les Zapartés, Général Alcazar, Wünjo , Venus Heat, Harmonic Generator, Solsista, Spleen, Dawta Jena & The Urban Lions , Hollywood Sekks, MZ, Damage, Weirdland, Leptik Ficus , Mute, Kowaï, Degenerated, Oze, Mac Fly Clan, Doppler , Don't Look Back , Drydeck, Aïdos, Fake Oddity , The Commitments , Pierpoljak , Mushrooms, La Mauvaise Herbe, Angsud, Anarch'ange, Arcade, Augure