Usually music in spanish, but I enjoy listening to The Beatles, ABBA, The Carpeters, LMAO, I know, boring, what else? new stuff, Green Day, Simple Plan, Black Eyed Peas, Eminem, in spanish, Bisbal, Sin Bandera, David de Maria, don't know, around that.
Harry Potter movies, Cleopatra, Goal!, In the Time of the butterflies, The Sound of music, I can't think of more right now, even thought I love watching movies.
So there's ALIAS, Rome, ALIAS, Gilmore Girls, ALIAS, Lost, ALIAS, Desperate Housewives, ALIAS, Reunion, and ALIAS, did I mentioned ALIAS?
Since I love reading, there's:
* Child of the morning by Paulene Gedge
* In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez
* The Egyptian by Mika Waltari
* The Harry Potter series by J.K Rowling
* The Last Promise by Richard Paul Evans
* The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
Hatshepsut, does MÃa Maestro counts as a hero?, I mean she's my fav actress, if not, well I stay with Hatshepsut, don't know who she is?, go check your Ancient Egypt History book, under New Empire, just after Tuthmosis II and before Tuthmosis III