Look out of my up and coming feature and website. Thanks for the love. TeriM
About Me
This is my birthday month and I am celebrating every chance I get between bookings that is. Thanks to you all for the warm messages and comments.Also, check out my website for great travel rates www.travelallday.com.I am a model and am using this site for networking reasons.I am extremely outgoing, approachable, and work well with others. Skilled public speaker. Experienced in TV and radio commercial, print, and runway. This is what I do for a living, full time, not part time. I limit TFP work and I am not interested in nude TFP offers. Nude work is paid work. Although I am limited in TFP work, don't hesitate to contact me and let me know your interest and what you are looking to obtain from our shoot. If you are interested in working with me, let me know the terms (stock photos, shoot projects, nude, etc.), so I know in the initial email what you are interested in. All paid assignments take priority over TFP. I am available for nationwide assignments with all travel/lodging paid, please contact me with all pertinent information on the initial emial and I will respond as quickly as possible. Remember to make your stop public, there may be something we can work on together.Onemodelplace.com Model ..160153
Modelmayhem.com MM .. 14632
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
People who are in the entertainment industry including other models, photographers, muas, and various other entertainers. No party poopers please.