James profile picture


Student lay abouts go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes!!!

About Me

Olla my name is James but not as in James bond although when I was little I used to have a James bond watch and I used to pretend I was on secret missions hiding under the dining room table and climbing up the staircase backwoods in the dark. (Wasn’t it great being little!!!!) I once learned to play the guitar (also at school) but that only lasted a few weeks, as I preferred to be outside climbing trees, playing football and annoying my mum by coming home covered in mud. Now I’m all grown up (well only 9 till 5, weekdays), I have great group of friends, although don’t tell them I said that!! My friends mean the world to me there’s nothing like having great fun with people who are all on the same level. I’m not what we call a true English man although technically there is no such thing!! I have a bit of French in me (hello ladies, va va vooom) a little English, Irish & WelshI am currently living in Coventry with 33,668 other people although I don’t know any of the other 33,667.It has its good points and bad boy points like all places. I’m mainly on Myspace for all the free music and to take the Mickey out of all my mates pages. Any questions drop me a me a message, thanks James and remember stay true to yourself, don’t be a puppet on a string listening to others we are all individuals and should stand up in what we believe in, peace & love James Layout made by D. Tanner

My Interests

Everything Know to mankind

I'd like to meet:

NOW NOW Now where shall I start, To be honest with you all I’m not too bothered about meeting anyone in Particular, as I always enjoy meeting new people as every new person you meet will always teach you something you never knew. However if push came to shove Musically it would have to be my Man Immortal Technique if you don’t know him Goggle him, we need more people like him in this world standing up for what they believe in. I’m also going to Sound “Chavy” now but if Tupac Shaukar still graced this planet, I would of liked to of met him, as he was one of the greatest lyricists of his decade but was miss understood the problem being he was to advanced for his time and not forgetting Ali the great - u all know why I want to meet him and also Ayrton Senna another great sports man.


Varied really depends where you are and who you are with but what ever happened to the days of real uk garage not non of this 21 second rubbish, i'm also into real hiphop and that dont mean non of this 50 Pence Malarkey, & layed back Bob Marley & sanatna


Menace to society, Shawshank & The 1 that got Away Robin hood


Not got time for much apart from LOST and few documentry's, even if i did is there anthing good on tv now days and dont say home and away or the bill!!!


I only do picture Books!


My Mum, John Cheffins (Only Inspirational though, as he has worked hard to get to where he is now), Richard Branson, James Dyson