juicy couture bag
You are a fun-loving, outgoing, interesting person, and everyone loves to be around you.Take the quiz: "What Perfume Are You?!((pics))!"
Tommy Girl
You are a cute, bubbly, fun girl and you like to chill out and enjoy life.Take the quiz: "how gorgeous are you?"
you are so gorgeous!
congrats! you are gorgeous..... your luckier den most people with your good looks, u also have something extra to offer den juss ur looks...your also nice and smartTake the quiz: "?!?ArE yoU hOtT, BeAuTiFuL, or CuTe?!?"
Your HOTT!! you like to dress to impress!! you dont care what people think of you cause you like the way you are!! you look good! and thats HOTT!!!!!!!!
How much money r u worth?
Created by dancerchic and taken 880 times on Bzoink
You are worth $80,260,272.10
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Fortune Cookie-O-Meter
Created by semperfi and taken 18784 times on Bzoink
Gender: male female not sure!
Location: United States of America somewhere else
Describe Yourself in One Word:
You will live to be 281
You will live in England
Your job will be nurse
Location: 53
You will die with this much money $4,552,492.50
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Abercrombie Babe
You are cute, stylish, and sexy. you know what things look best on you, and you show your looks of as well.