I think that it's pretty stupid, like wanting to meet famous people that you probably don't even know. It just doesn't make any sence to me...
Hot Water Music, Fighting Shit, Hrydjuverk, Gavin Portland, I Adapt, Blondage, Defiance Ohio, Ghost Mice, Against Me!, My Summer As A Salvaition Soldier, Theyr, Fidel, Reykskynjararnir, The Deathmetalsupersquad, As Friends Rust, Bisund, This Bike Is A Pipebomb, Mordingjarnir, Rosa, Helgi Og Hljodfaeraleikararnir, Skatar, Kimono, Holt Hora, Dead after school, Purrkur Pillnikk, Vonbrigi, Momentum, Minor Threat, Dead Kennedys, Japanese supershift, Terror Pony, The dixie whiskers, Television, Reykjavik, Spoonboy, Carrie nations, Rapeman, Dropdead, Operation:Cliff clavin, the loved ones, The devil is electric, Paul barbeau, Haram, night and the city of broken promises, the best hardcoreband in the world, carpet show, rokkurro, the take, Verse, Another Breath, 200, At the drive in, Benny Craspo's gang, Blink 182, Bouncing souls, Burzum, Circle takes the square, Converge, Dr.Spock, Emiliana Torrini, Ensimi, Finngalkn, Ham, Kid Dynamite, Limp Wrist, Mastodon, Modern life is war, Mum, Neutral milk hotel, Propagandhi, Sepultura, Slayer, Sigridur Nielsdottir, Singapore sling, Slagsmalsklubben, Sodin fidla, Sonic Youth, Strike Anywhere, Mount Eerie°, Bright eyes
Donnie Darko, Englar Alheimsins, Garden State, The Shining, Misery, Sin City, City of god, Butterfly Effect, The Rocky Horror Pictureshow, The exorcism of Emely Rose, It, Goodbye lenin!, The Shawshank redemption and many more.
they are great.
I'm more into space travelling with my friends
Heroes are pretty stupid.