someone who can find the diamonds amongst the coal and who belives in modern romance. however if anybody knows Chris Carrabba, I'd like to make babies with him.
"Music has the power to lift the human spirit out of its physical element and to deliver the spirit from the fear of pain, sometimes for a moment or sometimes for a lifetime. Its substance can fill the emptyness of dependency and music can create a smile, even when ideas and philosophies fail. What a gift... what a responcibility..."
Amalie!! so beautiful!! fight club, American history X, American beauty, American psycho, donnie darko, virgin suicides...plenty more! any movie that takes me away from reality or makes me consider my own reality.anything animated and designated for children.
my favourite writer is jeffrey euginides. reading is one of my favourite things
Jesus Christ first. my mum and my sister for all they have overcome and still turning out as the amazing people they are.