We had moves we didn't know
We had. Our bodies spun
On swivels of bone & faith,
Through a lyric slipknot
Of joy, & we knew we were
Beautiful & dangerous. --Yusef Komunyakaa
her life blew through my body & away
i see it whirling now, across the stony places.
i lost her softly through my fingers,
between my ribs in gentle gusts she
sifted free, polishing the small bones.
the mute, thin framework takes the winds
that blow across the stony places.
--gary snyder
it's hard for me to think when i'm onmyknees whoring my way back into your life.
how wrong it is--there's no heart beneath my rib((bird))cage.
&we.will.LEAVE.in.a.hailstorm,a.maelstrom.of.broken.hear ts.&.familiar.letdowns.
for you, caterwaul:
this is how we think these days, lover--
a skull. bleached by the sunlight.
that is all.