Not an entire lot to say really, this is my place to express myself and chat to my buddies and meet and greet new musical artists whic I LOVE to do.. I have learned after living 20 plus years by the standards of others that I am happiest being myself.. I think its sad to see people live their entire lives and die miserable because they were too afraid to do and be who they wanted to be because they were afraid others would no accept them.. The only person that I am worried about accepting myself is me. If I dont accept my own self then no one else is going to apease me. I cant stand judgy people.. who the hell does anyone think they are to believe that they know you better than you know yourself and no one has the right to tell me what they think is right or wrong.. my worst pet peeve is intollerant close-minded people.Reality is great and it reminds us that we're human and we have responsibility but at the same time I think imagination is one of the most important things and I never intend on losing mine.. I like walking barefoot across the cool grass feeling it brush between my toes, I lay down and stare up at the clouds figuring out what shapes they most resemble and at night I know nothing about astology or anything about star stimulations other than the big and little dipper but life sure seems so simple and clear when I take the time to look up. Some people live in a world of black and white, others see shade of gray.. but I like to live mine in color!
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