I am not a Poodle. There is nothing wrong with being a Poodle. It is only very important to me that people understand that just because I am small, white and fluffy, it does not mean that I am a Poodle. I am a Bichon Frise.
What is your name? General Custard
What is your owner's name? Lizzie and Ryan
Do you have any nicknames? Custard pie, honey, sweetie
Which breed are you? Bichon Frise
What is your birthday? Feb. 1
Do you live with other animals? Yes, my sister Princess, a miniature poodle
How much do you weigh? 12 pounds
Are you neutered? yes
What is your favorite treat? peanut butter!
What are you most afraid of? strangers
Do you like baths? no!
How much did you cost? $90 (I was adopted!)
Where do you sleep? in bed
What is your favorite toy? I don't like toys.
Do you like to watch TV? Yes.
Do you do any tricks? I know how to sit, and I like to chase my tail.
Are you a social dog? With people who I know.
Are you friendly? Only with my peeps.
Do you like car rides? Sometimes, it depends on where we go.
Do you get into stuff? No, unless it's food!
Do you chase laser pointers? I've never seen one . . .