I love God more than anything and wouldn't give up my relationship with Him for the world. Right now I love to read, and walk along the beach or just be out in nature. I think God is an amazing artist and I love to view His work. I also enjoy driving... and driving fast. I practically live in my car "gleep". yes I named it. I also enjoy watching movies, bowling (though I suck) making funny faces, being silly... basically anything with friends.
I want to meet Jesus and the people He loves
Sneaky Pete
People Iced: Twenty Eight
Car Bombs Planted: Seven
Favorite Weapon Shank
Arms Broken: Eleven
Eyes Gouged: One
Tongues Cut Off: Eight
Biggest Enemy: Prickly Pear
Get Your HITMAN Name
Breaking Benjamin is the best band ever!!!!! Hawk Nelson, Anberlin, Kutless, Skillet, Seventh day slumber, third day, Overflow, Across the sky, Staci oreco, Tobe mac, Three doors down and many many more but I can't remember all the names.
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I love the lord of the rings trilogy. and the borne series. batman begins. gone in 60 seconds. gladiator, phantom of the opera. monsters inc. the incredibles. a walk to remember, return to me, the man from snowy river, much adu about nothin', pride and predjudice, what about bob, hitch, ect.
Fear Factor!!!!!!!!!! there is only one tv show that is better than fear factor, and that would be LOST!!!!!! and Monk is reallly good too. Okay so recently I was shown... and have become adicted to the show House. If you haven't seen it... watch it. that's all I have to say.
Lord of the rings, almost anything written by frank peretti, oh Black, Red, and white. the chronicels of narnia, the play "the taming of the shrew", Oh I love Poe. and the best book of all the Bible... which I think is more a letter from God to everyone
My heroes are Paul, Job, James. My biggest heroe is Enock if you don't know who he is. Genises 5:20 something. Pastor Baboe and his wife. My parents truely amaze me from day today. Mom for you're ever present love and forgiveness. Dad for your unconditional love and wisdome. Thank you both for always being there. My brother and his new wife Laura. You guys are so cute together and truely amaze me. Shannon I am so proud of you for doing what ben and I couldn't. move to a new town full of new people and make a life there. I love ya sis.Samwise thank you for always being there, never having to know something i don't want to tell you. You are truely one of the few people who understand me I love the crazy fun we have. you are the best friend I've ever have and truely only God knows why we are friends lol.all I can say is thank you. thanks for all you do.