Taurus are tactile and sensuous, seekers of personal comfort and physical pleasure. By design however, they are pragmatic with an appreciative eye for both monetary value as well as aesthetic beauty. Their harmony in life is tied to reality and the material world, but sometimes get carried away with personal acquisitions. When they go too far afield they tend to either accumulate wealth and never use it, or recklessly squander it without improving the quality or enjoyment of their lives. As a result of their addiction to personal pleasure and comfort, Taureans can be very lazy as well as very vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences that invariably result from over indulging in rich food and other physical pleasures. Their natural cautiousness saves them from making mistakes, but it can also prevent them form taking advantage of valuable opportunities...............................................
...................The first thing man uses are his physical senses. What he can see, touch, and physically hold represents the reality of his position. It is why the celestial heritage of Taureans is to conserve physical resources and possessively cling to people whom they regard as their own. Their strongest desire is for personal security. Broken promises or the betrayal of others are threats to this security. Their reaction to such personal affronts is likely to be bitter, and those who inflict such abuses will not be given another chance. disappointed Taureans can behave in a manner totally against their own best interests. They may completely retreat from the world, or, go in the opposite direction and become promiscuous. Whatever direction is taken, they may end up sacrificing the meaningful, enduring relationships they really need to feel emotionally secure......................................................
...................Mentally, they are keen-witted and practical more often than intellectual, but path to become fixed in their opinions through their preference to following addapted and reliable patterns of experience. Their character is generally dependable, steadfast, prudent, just, firm and unshaken in the face of difficulties. Their vices arise from their virtues, going to extremes on occasion, such as sometimes being too slavish to the conventions they admire......................................................
...................Taureans react to what they experience by assessing its possible worth. That is, before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. what appears too abstract or vague fails to attract more than their passing interest. They need a definite purpose in what they do and in relationships they form. because they don't want to be unnecessarily burdened, they willingly rid themselves of worn out items, but only if they cannot find any other way to make use of them. They are faithful and generous friends with a great capacity for affection, but rarely make friends with anyone outside their social rank, to which they are ordinarily excessively faithful. In the main, they are gentle, even tempered, good natured, modest and slow to anger, disliking quarreling and avoiding ill-feeling. If they are provoked, however, they can explode into violent outbursts of ferocious anger in which they seem to lose all self-control. Equally unexpected are their occasional sallies into humor and exhibitions of fun.........................................................
....................Overall Taureans are very often passionate people with strong feelings and opinions. Luckily, they usually express their powerful emotional level in a positive way. Like the Taurean bull, however, while they may be slow to anger, once roused their rage is often considerable.