River profile picture


better to be a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king

About Me

"I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees." P. Neruda..There are many aspects of myself. I am not bound to any one of them. Walt Whitman said, in "Song of Myself", "Do I contradict myself, very well I contradict myself. (I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

My Interests

Water, drinking water, drinking water from springs and streams, perrenial worldwide peace, the union of opposites, prosimians, gibbons, tapirs, wild blackberry pie, home-made wine, acetum tinctures, compost, E minor, coral gardens, moonlight, nitrogen fixation, Anthroposophy, dinoflagellates, edible mushrooms, seabirds, worm-bins, the polyamorous,Canthrellus cibarius, mycorrhizal relationships involving rootlets, ecstatic states, plant morphology, salamanders, South-east Asia, revo-evolution, interspecies communication, bubblegum coral, crayons, sea squirts, eros, animism, swimming, wind, myth, chicken tractors, pie crust, literacy, bio-intensive gardening, love...

I'd like to meet:

"I'm ready to go anywhere. I'm ready for to fade...into my own parade. Cast your dancing spell my way...I promise to go under it."

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Anne Carol, Little Wings', Fish Out of Water, Travis Larson Band, Nick Babishoff, Sunny Taylor, David Creamer, C.J.Boyd, Might As Well, Anthony Roselli, Mother Funk Conspiracy, Guerilla Gatherings of Creativity, Penny Jar, Jesus Was A Woman, Glider, Magnus Svenson, hotpink, Wisps of Cumulus, earthstar, the Entheogens, River, Kali Durga - "On the wind bend like the willow, let the soil be your shoes and a cloud is your pillow....Set out like a ship on an unknown ocean, never feel the fear just the reeling of motion"


Easy Rider, The Valley Obscured by Clouds, The Wall, True Stories, Waking Life, Watership Down, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, The Song Remains the Same, Brigadoon, Caddyshack, Purple Rain, Butterflies Are Free, Up In Smoke, The Doors, A River Runs Through It, Almost Famous, Roger and Me, The Last Temptation of Christ


I love to watch info-mercials late at night when I'm too anxious to sleep and am having a hard time breathing....Beyond that, I like commercials and whatever else is on satellite T.V. Game shows are cool and Fox News. Static. Whenever I can I like to catch programs where surgeries are performed. Any of the Cops spin-offs are good. I like to see poor, stupid people being ruffed up by sadistic pigs. Reality shows like: Nick and Jessica, the real world, The Simple Life, Sweet Sixteen, Osbournes, Surreal Life, etc. I never miss Monday Night Football (unless I'm too drunk to see... in which case I'm busy beating my wife) Are video games considered television?


John Steinbeck, "Grapes of Wrath" "To A God Unknown" "East of Eden" Tortilla Flat", Aldo Leopold, "A Sand County Almanac" Homer, "The Oddyssey" John Muir, "Mountains of California" Ed Abbey, "Desert Solitaire" Hermann Hesse "Siddartha" and any, John Jeavons, "How to Grow More Vegetables (on less land than you ever imagined..)", Ayn Rand, "Atlas Shrugged", David Aurora, "Mushrooms Demystified", Terence Mckenna, "Food of the Gods", Ram Dass, "Be Here Now", Micheal Moore, "Medicinal Plants of the Pacific West", Steven Harrison, "The Happy Child", Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland", Henry Thoreau, "Walden Pond", Christmas Humphries, "Buddhism", Lonely Planet - Thailand!, Tom Robbins, "Another Roadside Attraction", Henry Miller, "The Colossus of Maroussi", Fyodor Dostoevsky, "White Nights",


Johnny Appleseed, The Wizard of Oz, Henry Thoreau, The Purple One, Maya the Bee, Mr. Mojo Risen, Arthur Rimbaud, Grizzly Adams, Paul and Art, Billy Corgan, Arthur Fonzarelli, Hermann Hesse, John Muir, Sinead O' Connor, Kali Durga, Howard Roark, Mother Nature, Dr. Dre, Ed Abbey, Bono, Owsley, Kerouac, Bruce Springsteen, Indiana Jones, The Merry Pranksters, Ren & Stimpy, Bill Murray, Abraham Lincoln, John the Baptist, Jackie Robinson, Geddy Lee, Mohammed, Mary Magdalene, Jackson Browne, Homer, Kwan Yin, Austin Powers, kyle field, Steven Harrison, Bob Banner, Brother A., kyle and brandon, david creamer, Mom, Luce, Mark and Gaia, Hunter Francis, Brother Ryan, John DeRosier, Randy, Aunt Grandma (OK, Bubblegum), Nick Babishoff, Eric Wise, Nathan Kreitzer, travis larson and his Band (Dale Moon and Jen), Johnathon Wilson, Nama Deva, Spencer Sky, Tony Lysy, Nancy Ivy, Dick Canfield, Katie Rose, julia butterfly hill...

My Blog

Acts of Creation

Acts of Creation Acts of creation are ordinarily reserved for gods and poets, but humbler folk may circumvent this restriction if they know how. To plant a pine, for example, one need be neither god n...
Posted by River on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 06:40:00 PST


HOWL by Allen Ginsberg For Carl Solomon I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an...
Posted by River on Mon, 19 Dec 2005 06:11:00 PST

Roads for traveling souls

Listen! I will be honest with you;   I do not offer the old smooth prizes, but offer rough new prizes;   These are the days that must happen to you:      You shall not...
Posted by River on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 12:13:00 PST

Micheal Stipe

   Find The River    Hey now, little speedyhead,The read on the speedmeter saysYou have to go to task in the cityWhere people drown and people serve.Dont be shy. yo...
Posted by River on Sun, 18 Dec 2005 11:53:00 PST

brief moisture of welcome

"Already a new garden has fallen from my handsinto the ground. Having trusted seedto the world, how should I not be a new man?The cities have forgot the earth,and they will rot at hearttill they remem...
Posted by River on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 06:46:00 PST

The Hollow Men (excerpt)

"This is the dead land This is cactus land Here the stone images Are raised, here they receive The supplication of a dead mans hand Under the twinkling of a fading star.     &nbs...
Posted by River on Thu, 01 Dec 2005 05:37:00 PST

plant a tree

             Seeds of Great Promise          ;   I plant a tree and it grows for a thousand years...
Posted by River on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 07:01:00 PST