*Brian*, cheeseburgers, baby animals, a nautical theme, being warm, home improvements, yard work, scooter rides, cooking, learning to cook, learning other things, listening to music and sometimes people, 1960's Indian rock n roll, dancing, Coast to Coast AM, people watching, clothes, thrift stores, kissing my dog on the lips, shopping for, buying, collecting and listening to records.
George Noory
Morrissey, Nick Drake, Nick Cave, Grinderman, alot of soul lately, 60's and 70's funky jazz, some exotica, Peeping Tom, Neurosis/Steve Von Till, The BeeGees, Paul Weller, Twilight Singers, Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album, Edith Piaf, ABBA, David Bowie, Turbonegro, rock n roll from India circa 1965, anything I can fall asleep to, Thin Liz, Pet Sounds, MC5. The usual, I guess.
O Brother Where Art Thou? Babe Rushmore Royal Tenenbaums Boogie Nights Coal Miners Daughter Say Anything The Big Lebowski
Americas Next Top Model, Top Chef, Big Love, Intervention, Iron Chef.
Harry Potter.
. ..
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