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Welcome To Up Norf Productions
We started back in 2005, as just two friends from college (KMR & Dex-Trovert). Working together on creating hiphop and R&B instrumentals, we began to gain a vast amount of interest in our production work. Around early 2006 we decided to push UNP as far as we could, and decided upon ourselves to create a small indie label under the name. First we signed Salford Artist BRIGGZY ( Briggzy featured on one of our very early beats called ’Hold On’ Since here he captured our interest and we decided to make him our first artist on the team. Following on from Briggzy, UNP Signed both $hafty and DB, $hafty was a friend both Dex & KMR knew in college and with him originality they decided to take him onboard along with DB, whos style is very unique and there is nobody like him in the Manchester Scene ( Up Norf Productions then signed Youngsta (, Young was a friend of Briggzy’s and we’d been hearing alot about him, so we took they young, cheeky artist under our team. Finally towards the end of 2007, They took on Darwin artist ’Savage’ (
UNP Released ALOT of material with these artists such as Briggzy- "All Wrapped Up 2006" / "The Franchize 2007" - Youngsta- "Risen From the Dead" - DB "Soul Food 2006"/ "Stupid Idiot 2007" Along with a large variety of individual production for a variety of Artists.
However 2008 is a new year, Up Norf Productions is now a Production Company. Dex-Trovert has vanished since 2007, Some say she was captured by Cuban Rebel Troops but who knows. $hafty has hung up the Mic And Briggzy, Youngsta & KMR are apart of UppaLevel Entertainment. Dont get it Twisted tho!! We’re Still together, just not as a label, we’re hear to produce the music you need for your Albums/mixtapes and offer cheap professional studio time, along with mixing down and engineering.
Up Norf Productions has a LARGE list of clients we’ve worked with in the part, and are still producing for many of the artists you listen to such as:
Briggzy, Youngsta, DB, $hafty, Savage, Mayhem, Hit Em Up, Shotty, Azza, Hitman Projectz, Samir, Sykes,Evil-A, D-Tox, Brs,EnVy, K-O,Sasha, Bianca, Emz, Hybrid, Kingston, Thallie And Many Many More!!
If You want a beat customly made the prices vary on Exactly what you want. Just message us, what it is that you are looking for an we’ll reply with the price list. If we create a beat for you, Please feel free to contact us once you recieve the sample of the beat, to inform us of any problems or changes you want applying to the beat.
Recording Prices:
Recording- £20 For the Whole day!!! (Without Mixdow- Recieve Raw Tracks to mixtape down yourself
Recording/Mixing/Engineering- £30 For a Half Day Recording!! (Youll also recieved the tracks fully mixed down and sounding very professional, Check Briggzys or Youngstas Quality of tracks for samples)
Mixing Down: If you Record your tracks at home, but require aid in mixing down, then we offer our skills. we charge a small amount of £5 Per Track. Your Tracks will be mixed down to a very professional level.
Thanks for checking the page, and we’re looking forward to working with all different artists. If your Needing production for a FULL CD Again Contact us, And we could work on a cut down price for your CD!!