::A bRaVe NeW wOrLd?? A beTTer soCieTy? A fAiReR, KiNdEr, mOrE eNliGhtEneD fUtUre? Or sHaLL wE jUsT caRRy oN As nOrMal,CaRpInG At aNd cRiTiCiSiNg oNe aNoThEr? InCrEaSiNg iNtoLerAnCe? PeRpetRaTinG pReJuDiCe? We caNNot eVeR eXpeCt 2 aLteR tHe aTTituDes oF oThErs...We CaN, tHoUgH, AdJuSt oUr OwN. 2dAy pReSeNtS a ChOiCe. U cAn HaVe aN oLd-fAsHiOnEd ReAcTIoN tO aNtAgOniSm oR yOu cAn dRaW On YoUr wiSdOm aNd uR iNNer InteLLiGeNcE...If U cAn B biG, U miGhT yEt cHaNgE A lOt MoRe tHaN U eXpEcTeD. U hAvEn'T gOt A 'PROBLEM'. U hAvE aN iNcReDibLe oPPorTuNiTy :. :-)