SIM2(dA bESt GAmE evER)shopping(spend mmy dammm money then regret later on) wat i do now) a tv maniac)...cluBBing (yeah of coz..but not 2much...rosak rambut)...
anYONE who can ACccept me as i aM..MY oolDD buddIES..anDD .....
ANy kind oF mUsic...RnB is my TOp is my life...BEEn aDDICted 2MUsiC SINCE i was BOrn,it can make u hapPIEE or saD...witHOUt music I CANt Do anythig as pLan..i just luv music BUT of coz NO DANGDUT!!! im toooo alLERgic 2 dat song...uurgh!!!!
hackers n cruel intention...dats my best movies ever!!!!!!
jGN ketAWa(old schol time)..aH-HA..FriEnds,hONey dANiel n WALt disneY cartoonsss
batMAN,sUPERMAN,CRaazieMAN or ANy man...