or: things that make me happy: music. books. motorcycles. taking in a good live band. good friends. lazy sunny days. lazy rainy days. art. a peaceful day with my children. lunch with my girlfriends. happy hour. peoples stories. hainen lunches and reading fortune cookies. clean laundry. thunderstorms. the dash in at 3 in the afternoon. debates. introspective conversations. peace. cold gin. nights out. urban spaces. making a difference. a smoke on my porch steps. the clink of ice in the glass. artlink. a guy with a guitar in his hand. tattoos. hugs. kisses. a highlife at the dug out. hands that work hard. dive bars. museums. tulips. happy couples. cheap silver rings. the new dodge charger. you.
Intelligent people. Kind people. If you think GWB has anything intelligent to say you don't fall into catagory number one and please don't bother to send me your right wing propaganda. Oh, and I have a deep rooted loathing of organized religion. If your looking for a good Christian girl keep clicking. Seriously. Go on, shoo.
Who's your Psychobilly dream man?
Mike Ness from Social DistortionYou just got my DREAM MAN!!! He's a man who's lived a hard life but who's known what's he's wanted out of it. He's the man that will fix the car(or build you a new one), take the kids to soccer practice, but then will come home and romance you and make sweet love to you. He's the kind of man, you fall head over heels in love with and everyday is something new. Yet, in time he will grow to be an understanding husband, but even he's not perfect, he has his flaws and often gets moody, but you love him for who he is and he loves you the same right back!
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The the stuff i like right now: She wants revenge, panic at the disco, Raconteurs, Damone, Dashboard Confessional, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs, Blue October, Liz Phair (old stuff), Flyleaf, Alice Cooper, Ben Folds, Fountains of Wayne, Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, Cracker, Crossfade, Three Days Grace, Poe, The Doors, Leda Atomica, Prodigy, Garbage, Indigo Girls, PJ Harvey, Stevie Nicks, Supersuckers (just bought it!), Social Distortion, Joan Jett, Rickie Lee Jones, Korn, Prince, Zombie White and Rob, All Local Music: particulary: Synergy (Jobeth rocks), Def. Gary, Sirface, all of Dave P's bands, Superhunk rocks my fucking socks off, Phil's Family Lizard, Sankofa, we have a great scene and I wish I had much more time to go see everyone play. Morphine soothes my soul.
We dont live here anymore, Pieces of April, American Beauty, Sexual Lives, Danny Deckchair, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Office Space, Dogma, Garden State, Kung Foo Hustle, Mind the Gap, Eulogy, Heights, Waiting, anything a little dark and quirky. I have found I like almost any movie with the right company.
I'm not much of a tv watcher. sometimes i'll catch a show that doesnt suck.
In the middle of Glass Castles. It's an autobiography of a women who grew up in the 60's being raised by an alcoholic father and a very fucked up mother. Im going to make my kids read it so they can see what a stellar fucking job i'm doing!! Finished reading: The Story of O, which was written by a French Author in the 50's and was considered quite scandalous at the time. It's a story about bondage. It was fairly disturbing and had no end. I was left disappinted. I also just finished for the 4th or 5th time The Virgin Suicides - sometimes i get alot out of that book, just started 5 Kick Ass stratagies for growing a successful business. i Lie. i havent started it past page one. i suck at reading books that will help me advance in my career. I also finished yayas in bloom. Disappointment. Favorites list: A prayer for Owen Meany (anything by John Irving is good), Wicked, , The Boys of my Youth. Reading Virgin Suicides again. I have a tendancy to read and re-read certain books. I have read so many good books that I can't recall the titles of. I can picture the covers. It's very disturbing that I can't remember them.
Strong independent women. Strong independent men. I seem to meet more of the former than the latter.Taylor made this for me . . .