And then I'll say goodbye profile picture

And then I'll say goodbye

sometimes its that time to say goodbye (rip Darielle)

About Me

This profile was edited with Deltox Myspace Editor
I took the " The Aura Color Personality " quiz on
My aura is...

It's quite a coincidence that green is "the color of money" because people with green auras are often motivated by a desire for power and material success. Their ambition compels them into leadership positions; if they're not on the student council, they may be planning early on where they'll go to college and even business school. Read more ...
What color is your aura?
GREENSGreens are some of the most powerful and intelligent people in the aura spectrum. Greens are extremely bright. They process information and ideas quickly; jumping from steps one to ten. They do not like dealing with all the steps and details in between.A project that is too detailed is tedious and boring for Greens . They prefer to develop an idea, organize a plan, and then delegate someone else to take care of the details.Greens are very drawn to money, power, and business. These quick-thinkers are very organized and efficient. They write lists and efficiently check off the items on the list as they are completed. Greens recognize patterns and discover solutions very quickly.When Greens are in their power, they can accomplish anything. They love to set goals and are determined to achieve them. Greens are movers and shakers when it comes to taking action. They are also typically the workaholics on the planet.Greens are highly competitive and enjoy challenges. They thrive on taking risks. Gambling is common for Greens , especially if there is a potential for large winnings.Being strong-willed, these powerful personalities are determined to have their own way, which they usually feel is the right way. A person is rarely able to win an argument with Greens .

My Interests

Music, acting, and hopefully soon directing.


Waiting To Exhale. Brown Sugar, A walk to remember, Carrie 1 and 2, Fast and the Furious, chronicles of riddick, pitch black, Tomb Raider, The little Princess, Boyz N the Hood, The brothers, 2 can play that game. (shit everyting else I don't know)

My Blog

To my old friends

Once apon a time we were friends, but somewhere along the line you changed. Or maybe it was I. But now all I can do is sit back and question why? We used to share secrets and talk on the phone. But I ...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Sat, 27 May 2006 06:05:00 PST

The pink Dress

Don't let your day go on without reading this first, no matter how busy you may be!!!The Pink DressThere was this little girl sitting by herself in the park.Everyone passed by her and never stopped to...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:06:00 PST

rip Deshaun Holton aka Proof

Forever missed never forgotten.   and rip sheminda Eiland
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:11:00 PST

to my friends

Bitch, I told you we friends till then end. don't try to get rid of me cuz now we like kin blood to blood we together forever like we always said you can choose ya friends but you can't choose ya fa...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 10:01:00 PST

I've never laughed so hard

Then when I went to Kevin federlines myspace page and heard that song. popoza or what ever its called Now that shit is funny. People talking about his song is hot. They need to stop lying to his ass. ...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:33:00 PST

I never let my self truly believe it until now

Its been about what 5 years since Aaliyah had died and I'm just now letting myself believe it. I mean I didn't deny it but it never sunk in. Like I'd hear a "More than a Woman on the radio" and be lik...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Wed, 25 Jan 2006 01:51:00 PST

To every girl

To every girl who is looking for true love. To every girl that is herself no matter what To every girl that dresses cute not skanky To every girl who wants to be called beautiful not hot To every girl...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:28:00 PST

I'm offically hooked to

T.I. & Ludacris & Usher & Young Jezzy My slow ass finally saw my block: Atlanta and I must say they are some beautiful creatures. Lol Talkin bout Usher take it all off while he in the b...
Posted by And then I'll say goodbye on Sat, 21 Jan 2006 07:58:00 PST