~Green Fury~ profile picture

~Green Fury~

blah, blah...no insperation.

About Me

I am Jacinta. I study music at University as a vocal student and sing mainly jazz and blues, though I like many other styles especially experimental/folk etc. Although I may not be the smartest chickie I do have a keen interest in widening my knowledge base, and tho I am dyslexic I look forward to one day doing a bachelor of arts studying philosophy, classics and other such things. I like to question reality and the human perceptions of the world. So it’s no wonder I am drawn to artistic, intelligent, rebellious people as they give me the opportunity to ponder all the possibilities. I love when people are passionate, about anything, music, art, politics, anything really. Seeing someone get fired up explaining their viewpoint is great and there should be more of it in the world. Now, most people look at me and try and shove me into a box. No I am not Goth, Punk, Metal, Emo or any other label you feel like throwing. I am a very manic person, a chameleon. Why should I be held to appear and act in a certain way? Sure I wear black sometimes, but it’s just a colour, who cares. I also wear pink or white sometimes so it’s really of no consequence. I don’t take kindly to being type cast in life and it’s just stupid. I am interested in all kinds of expression, music, poetry, sculpture, photography, theatre and anything else within the arts. I adore getting that little glimpse into a person’s soul and seeing, at their core, what they love and believe in. I am, despite what some may think, a nice person. I care about people and do my best to appreciate them. However, if someone is vulgar or disrespectful, I have the ability to spit fire. I don’t take crap from people, but I am only a bitch when provoked. If any of this seemed to make sense to you, I look forward to conversing. If you don’t get what I’m saying or still say ‘lol, Goth chick’ then I don’t think we will gel so I wouldn’t waste my time if I were you. Meow. *purr*
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My Interests

check me out at http://www.modelmayhem.com/jazzatronixI pretty much already covered that...I am into Jazz, Metal, Costumes, Masks, Burlesque, living statues, Cabaret, Musical theatre, Existential films, stage makeup, prostetics, wigs, corsets, whips, fangs, lipstick, eyeliner, flirting, dancing, Jon, singing, cross dressing, visual art, poetry, carnivals, masquarede balls, circus, jazztroniumisms, antiques, anything thats Hot (lol), etc....Check out my art http://raven-wyld.deviantart.com/

What Is Your Battle Cry?

Y ea, verily: Who is that, sprinting out of the desert! It is Jacinta, hands clutching a meaty axe! And with an ominous howl, her voice cometh:

"I'm going to fuck you in such an inhumane manner, I will be high on life for years to come!"

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I'd like to meet:

ummmm......some cool people that will be good friends! GILES!http://www.anthonyhead.org/home.html Oh and Bowie of course! woot, Bowie!


HEAPS!!!! I like old songs, like Ella Fitzgerald, and Billie Holiday heaps, i guess i was born in the wrong era! I like cake, bent, gypsy kings (i know! don't tease me!), Bjork, katatonia, opeth, dark tranquility,Joanna Newsome, Regina Spektor, ummmmm......and lots more! I go through different moods, so....I'm very indecisive! How much are you into music? (some anime pictures)
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I LOVE LOVE LOVE any Alice in Wonderland films!!! I like stuff like the bride of Frankenstien, psyco, young Frankenstien, and all that. mmmm....the mothman prophesy sas alright, and I LOVE both Kill Bill films! oh! and all the Tim Burton films, like Beetlejuice, Edward scissor hands, and all that! I like Willy Wonka and the choclate factory,Mirror Mask, Goonies, Lost boys, labrynth, shopgirl, mouth of madness, pans labrynth, The Wizard of Oz and so on....return to Oz was fucking scary!!!!! And the Labrenth!!!!!!!! anything with Miranda Richardson in it thats all I can think of....


I realy like 6 feet under, but knowing Australia, we are probably a million epasodes behind America. I also enjoy Oz, eat carpet, John Safran Vs God, hotel babalon, mile high (I love my smut), stripparella, firefly, torchwood, storyteller. ummm.....cant think of much more...oh! and the simpsons! gee how could i forget that!!!!???
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I like 'Marie Lavaue' by Francine Prose (spelling?), the mists of Avalon series by Marion Zimmer Bradly, Alice in wonder land & Through the looking glass, classics like faust... ummm......my minds gone blank, so thats all for now!
Take My Quiz
From QuizYourProfile.com
Whats my favorite super hero?
A) Super Girl
B) Wonder Woman
C) Silver Surfer
Whats My favorite flavour milk?
A) Bannana
B) Ice Coffee
C) Chocolate
Whats my name???
A) Jacinta Lee Annabelle Raven Wyld
B) Jacinta Dee Ann Raven Wyld
C) Jacinta Dee Annabelle Raven Wyld
What am I studying?
A) Drama
B) Music
C) Teaching
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WONDER WOMAN!!! I ABSOLUTLY adore her!!!! miranda Richardson and Hellana Bohem carter (my spelling is shite.)..

My Blog

fuck me gently with a chainsaw!

so last night I was completely drained almost like i was drunk or on drugs, and had no patience for much at all.So I apolagise to anyone that I was short/rude to but i did try to warn ppl to just leav...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Sun, 04 May 2008 07:21:00 PST

ahhh to have talent

Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Fri, 02 May 2008 02:30:00 PST


im probably getting my tat tommorow!!!im so excited, i mean, it was a big enough deal when Jon offered to pay but for a friend to offer when he wasnt gnna do it was beyond words!i feel so lucky to kno...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:18:00 PST

If you need an income or some spending money. this is soooo easy!

START MAKING MONEY IMMEDIATELY!! I’LL SHOW YOU HOW...FREE!!!! Alright, as you all know, I am very skeptical of all the "get rich quick" scams out there.  I assure you this is not one of th...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Thu, 10 Apr 2008 05:03:00 PST

as the world falls down...

So as some may know. when i was 16 i started dating Jon. we went out for 3 years but broke up coz i was young and wanted my freedom, we have been close and acted like we were dating for 3 years nw. so...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 01:26:00 PST


Just had to block someone on myspace for the first time ever. he isnt a friend and all hed ever do was write stuff on my blog either steryotyping me or belittling anything i write.thank fuck he is gon...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 08:54:00 PST


mum just called to tell me to watch a documentary. i asked what its about, she said ’websites’ im like, wow, boring.  she goes ’no, like goth websites and the online life...&rsq...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 03:09:00 PST

ffs, im seriouse!

people don’t get it. they think Im just tired lately or I’m being lazy.My fucking body hurts, My head hurts, i cant read or think, i feel like I’m dying.this isn’t fucking fun....
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 11:03:00 PST

Necro summary

so, last night was ok, i woke up sore ,as I said in my previous post, and very sad.I called Steve to see what he was up to, and he could tell something was up and asked if i needed to see him, I said ...
Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 12:37:00 PST

why im shitty

Posted by ~Green Fury~ on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 02:02:00 PST