•°¤*(chikys)*¤°• profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

TaG: chikys, yes, i have a real name but you don't get to know it.
Ag3: 19

CoNtAcT: The best way to get into contact with me is by comments ONLY. I will try to respond asap, and I say 'try' because I do have a life other than just a profile & whatever else tickles my fancy.

This is my story

supp, im chikys.
I'm in my own bubble, and I don't want it to pop just yet.
I get jelous really easy , & im not a typical girl.
Yeah im fucking short but thats not gonna get in the way.
I drink too much and smoke like a chimney
I'm a little girl with big dreams.
I never get enough sleep, but I dont mind.
I have terrible insomnia, and its almost impossible to wake me up in the morning.
I have phobias. Spiders & Rats give me panic attacks.
I am absolutely terrified of the dark. I sleep with the light on, shhh.
I get scared very easily, and I hate being alone. (Sometimes)
I can't walk down long dark corridors
Dont try to change me, because it wont work.

I'm myself like I want to and I will ever be
I stop screaming for help when I realized that no one was listening anyway.

There is no escape like music, no matter how bad life seems there is always at list 1 song that gives you the strength to hold on

I wear too much eyeliner

Sometimes I’m perverted; I have sick morbid thoughts running thought my mind constantly.

I will never stop loving the people I love once, even when they hurt me. This love will always go on, it takes a lot to make me upset.

I can never make up my mind.
[: Expect this stupid about me to change constantly, haha. I'm short tempered. It's annoying.

i fuck up almost every relationship i am in. but im not a completely bad person.

People make accusations about me before they even get to know me. People just do not ever give me a chance. or once i would like to meet someone who takes a look at me and doesnt just see a pretty face.

i want someone who will fight through the rough times and believe in me.
i want someone who will love me no matter what even when it gets really hard. i want someone to not give up on me. even if people make rumors and try to ruien something amazing.

i've been hurt by so many people in my life that I belive that LOVE DOES NOT EXIST..!!
I am hesitant to go into relationships because so many have ended in brokenhearts (usually just mine.)

i hate people who pretend to like me and then talk shit about me behind my back. if you have a fucking problem say it to my face. if i dont like you you will know about it.
i dont fucking care what anyone says.
I text way to much, and if you ever hang out with me, you will learn that real fast.

I drink and I smoke and if you cant accept me for who I am, you're not worth my time.

I wish a smile was just as contagious as a virus. Maybe then the world wouldn't be so dull and hateful.
I want lots of money. Lots and lots of it. To help others. I hate looking around me and seeing so many people suffering, and not being able to do anything to stop it. I hate animal abuse, I hate poverty, I hate the lies we get told.
I love to cuddle, and weather you are a boy or a girl, if we are spending the night near eachother, i will want to be as close to you as possible.. its how I am.

I am sick of dating. If you are interested, chances are, I wont be.


Lots of people don’t know the real me, and I ll make sure that they never will.

Interests: stars, peter pan & tinker bell, kisses, hand holding, long hair, rock, moto x, eye-liner, photography, shopping, cinema, pop corn, pirates, to get scared to death, walking on the rain, water, swimming, dolphins, my friends, summer, loud music, parties, staying up late, laughing for no reason at all, jokes, To lay in the grass and watch in the sky,Coffee n cigarettes, Lollypops, Warm summernights, Dreaming, Waterfalls, Nailpolish, The wood with his old trees.
Music: ROCK,


Pirates Of the Carribean 1,2& 3 Lord Of The Rings 1,2& 3 The Butterfly Effect TrainSpotting The Notebook A Walk 2 Remember Requiem Closer V For Vendetta


The O.C. Miami Ink Dr. 90210 E! True Hollywood Story Girls Of The Playboy Mansion


Memorias De Mis Putas Tristes Sirmarilion Angeles y Demonios El Perfume


no se emocionen personas!
hahaha no se crean...I LOVE YOU PEOPLE!! NO ESTAN EN ORDEN EHH PARA QUE NO SE ME SIENTANMY LITTLE SIS!!!! I love her,no matter what people think of us,we love each other,and that's forever. she isnt just my sister, she is also my best friend, she is my everything i really miss u arantxa!
..-MK-.. (CLAU) OMG! this girl is trully amazing, she is cute, brave, pretty she is also my confident, my better half, my everithing... i would b lost without her. i never wanna lose u!
Mary Luz gosh!! this girl... i do love her to deth! she is trully amazing, one of my best friends i know she is there for me A-L-W-A-Y-S she is so beautiful n make me laught like a lot she is the best rockstar this world would ever seen she is extremely crazy, n with her im just n idiot, but i love been that idiot with u! every thing that we have is AMAZING! ...-thx x that-.. N 4 EVERYTHING!!! i never wanna lose u!
KAREN awww this girl she's beautiful u know.I miss her loads.I wish i could take it back.I miss you&Love you we have been friends since... like a lot of time! i miss u!!!
chivo bitch! i hate u! hahah noooo NOT REALLY ur so fuckin spacial u cosmic biotch!! i always think of u &u dnt ever remeber me u.u LOL i wanna see u RIGHT NOW!! it has been a year exactly since i left tex, sooo i guess its time to admit that I MISS U!!!!!!!! i love u times infinity plus one! this girl, u cant have it, she is ALL MINE WE R SO FUCKIN CRAZY, WEIRD & HOT WE ARENT SLUTS, WE JUST FLIRT A LITTLE (HAHAHAHAHHA) im never gonna lose her I KNOW! she is the best
OLIVE This girl is amazing.She is such a sweetheart. I love her,she's soooo cute&kind.I kinda miss her
Majo This girl is extremely cute&kind,don't touchhhh her or i would have to brake ur neck! stay away!! baby, i love u, u know that!
GRETIX We havent talked for ages,but we do love each other to death! i love u, ur amazing!
diana baby! you are so cute, so nice, i miss u like a lot. thax for everything i want 2 see u as soon as posible!! SHE IS THE CUTEST GIRL I HVE EVER MET SHE IS SO SMART, BEAUTIFUL&AMAZING I LOVE YOU!
ELI this girl is (FUCK! i have no words to describe exactly what she mean 2 me!) she is... PERFECT! she has been ALWAYS there 4 me... since we where 2 stupid kids on school! we've passed a lot of things together, brakeups, hungups, partys, trips, bad& also good grades, etc! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOO MUCH, U HAVE NO IDEA!!
KI She's funny,beautiful&extremely sweet. If you have a problem with her,you're gonna have problems with me either. She's amazing and i never wanna lose her. I love you with everything i got
p0sh! we don't talk that much now but i know he will always be there for me. i love him soooo much he is so fuckin special, he isnt my best friend, he is my bro! i miss u, i REALLY DO :( i know recently i have been acting like dumb ass, but thats doesnt mean i dont care at all, i know what u think n im sorry for not being "that girl" the girl u thought u knew,the one u love&miss
ruben he is the best cousin ever! love u &miss u LIKE A LOT!
lalo im really amazed with this guy! i love him & i have just a year since i met him! i love how mature he is, i love every single word he say when im down or when i make smth extremely stupid! he makes me laught n giggle everytime, he is like the best brother i could ask for.
hans he totally rock my socks! i love u & u know it ill always be there for u! i never wanna lose u
isidrunk!! I've known him since just 3 months or so.I already love him so much.He's lovely&caring
i kinda hate him sometimes, but i gues i would die 4 him! MOST OF THE TIME i do love u with all i've got cuz i only hate u when ur not here! i spend so much time with u, that when ur not with me i feel like im lost or smth! i hate the fact i CAN NOT hate him... in fact... I love him.I love the way he acts.He makes me laught i love his stupid hair, his black nail polish, his piercings. FUUUUUUCK!! I LOVE U, U IDIOT!! :P Eu conto as horas pra poder te ver mas o relógio tá de mal comigo, menino gostoso eu te quero a todo instante!!!

My Blog

bunny problems! :S help me solve them

..> ..> bunny problems, help me solve them! i hve a little bunny named WIKI it was my bday gift , its male, withc with black.i really love him!!!!!!!! :'( but i just can take care of him anymoreim ...
Posted by "°¤*(chikys)*¤°" on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 12:04:00 PST

"Story With A Twist"

gun to my headknife to my wristlet me tell u a storya story with a twistonce upon a timetheir was a boy and a girlbut little did they knowwhat the world had in storethe boy was unstablesuicide was alw...
Posted by "°¤*(chikys)*¤°" on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 07:33:00 PST