Music,Sports,World Events,Fishing,Travel,Science,History
Belew, Beck, AimeeMann, Beasties, Beatles, Frisell, BillieHoliday, Sabbath, Blondie, Dylan, McFerrin, Breckers, Chet, LesPaul, Mayfield, Gatton, Bowie, DisposableHeroes, DrewPhelps, Slavens, Easterwood, Ella, Elvisboth, EricB, Erykah, Fishbone, Fleetwood, Zappa, Genesis, Janes, JeffBeck, Japan, Tull, Jimi, Scofield, Cash, Joni, JOHN DENVER, KateBush, KingCrimson, Kiss, Zeppelin, LOA, LosLobos, Me'Shell, Medeski..., MeredithMiller, MikeStern, Miles, Monkees, NeilYoung, NinaSimone, NIN, Nirv, Outkast, Parliament, Metheny, PatMartino, Patsy, PeterGabriel, Floyd(syd rip), Police, PRINCE, QUEEN, Rage, RickJamesBitch, Trower, Stones, RUSH, SimonGarfunkel, SimpleMinds, Sinead, Seal, Shaddowfax, SLy, SoulCoughing, Soundgarden, Steely, STEVIEWONDER, Sugarcubes, Petty, TonyBennett, BillEvans, Coltrane, TOOSHORT, Uk, U2, VanHalen, Femmes, WeatherReport, WHO, WuTangF50cent, YES-Verdi and Puccinni - especially Turandot - a number of "guitarslingers", all of my friends who play music and the other half of my ipod
War,Historical,Scifi-Fantasy,other nerdy or maleish flicks - all genres but the 'romantic comedy'-DeNiro,Pacino,Coppolla,Scorcese,
Natl Geo,History,Science,News,Discovery,Sports,Talk - if I had to watch a sitcom, it'd probably be Seinfeld or WKRP. Six Feet Under, Weeds -
Sci-Fi, Non-Fiction Historical, Geopolitical, Biographical
a number of my good friends - you know who you are, my Dad, Lincoln, Franklin, FDR, - Bills (Clinton/Gates/W/) and of course....Oprah